Staff of the Lindsborg Midsummer's Festival announced on social media that gates to Heritage Square will re-open at 6:15 p.m. and the show will begin again at 7:00 p.m.
Salina Post will update the story as more information becomes available.
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Lead Reporter - Salina Post
Under the beaming summer sun with the murmur of traditional Swedish songs like "Sma Grodorna" and "Mo' Grisar," hundreds of visitors plan to experience a little bit of Swedish heritage for the 2024 Midsummer's
For many Lindsborg residents, the Midsummer's Festival is a staple to celebrate the warm summer months and the rich Swedish heritage that decorates the small town.
If asked, any resident would say, "The festival has been around as long as I can remember," to this day, Visit Lindsborg continues to search for the year the organized tradition formed in the community.

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"We've got committee members in their 50s and 60s who say, 'It's been going on my whole life,' or, 'It's been going on since I was in high school," said Megan Elmer, secretary of the Midsummer's Committee. "I'd love to know because this could be a big year, and we could accidentally miss it."
Regular staples like the Swedish Dancers and the Viking Reenactors plan to perform at Riverside Park, but Elmer said the committee invited some new acts this year.
The Lindsborg Folkdanslag, an adult dancing troupe, will join the park's lineup of performers, fitting in between the Swedish Heritage Dancers and the Viking Reenactors.

"This year, we've got the Scandinavian Folk Dancers of Kansas City," Elmer said. "My favorite little tidbit about them is they actually performed for IKEA whenever it opened in Kansas City."
The Scandinavian Folk Dancers will perform at noon in Riverside Park.
Alongside the acts during the day in the park, dozens of craft vendors plan to display and demonstrate their arts, like rope making, wood carving and a blacksmith.
For more information on the Midsummer's Festival, visit the Midsummer's Festival website to see the full lineup of events. Entry to the festival is free, but guests can choose to buy artwork, bloom crowns or food while visiting.