Oct 15, 2024

Salina League of Women Voters shares candidate questionnaire responses for Nov. 5 election

Posted Oct 15, 2024 3:12 PM


The Salina League of Women Voters has gathered responses from candidates seeking local and federal office. Each candidate was provided a set of questions. Their responses offer information on their positions and plans, providing voters with a resource to better understand where each candidate stands on important topics.

Important dates for the 2024 General Election:

Oct. 15 — Voter Registration Deadline 

Oct. 16 — Advance Ballots by Mail are mailed

Oct. 21 — Early Voting in office Begins 

Oct. 29 — Last Apply for an Advance Ballot by Mail

Nov. 2 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. — Saturday Advance Voting in the County Election Office

Nov. 4 — Advance Voting ends at Noon

Nov. 5 | 7 a.m.-7 p.m. — Election Day

Kansans can register online with the Secretary of State and Department of Revenue, mail in their registration in English or Spanish to their local county election office — as long as it’s postmarked by Oct. 15 — or register in person at their local county election office. 

If already signed up, Kansas can check on their voter registration status at the Secretary of State’s website

The Salina League of Women Voters will hold a candidate forum on Sunday, October 20 at 1:30 p.m. in the Watson Room at the Stiefel Theatre, 151 South Santa Fe Avenue. The forum will be recorded LIVE and published on Salinapost.com. 

The Salina League of Women Voters gathers this information neither to endorse nor to reject the views of any candidate. We do not assume responsibility for the content of any candidates replies. This questionnaire has been reproduced as submitted to the Salina League of Women Voters by the candidates. Any continuation past the stated word limit has been deleted.

Candidates for U.S. House of Representatives District One

U.S. Congressman Tracey Mann
U.S. Congressman Tracey Mann

Candidate Name: Tracy Mann


Telephone Number: DID NOT RESPOND




What is your motive for running for this office and what are your qualifications?


How can we be assured that, if elected, you will work in the best interests of your constituents versus your personal interests?


What will you do to address the Gun Violence crisis?



Candidate Name: Paul Buskirk

Address: PO Box 3285; Lawerence KS 66046

Telephone Number: 785-691-8649

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Educator

Education: Bachelors in Psychology; Master’s in Counseling

What is your motive for running for this office and what are your qualifications?

I was raised in a family of service. As I look at our elected and appointed officials in Washington, they seem to spend most their time fussing and bickering with one another and ignoring the core of serving their communities. It is time to remind ourselves of the purpose of Government: to serve the needs of the people.

For nearly 40 years I have worked to help high school students get to college; and help college students complete their degrees and begin their careers. My vast experience includes working in high-stress and high-demand atmospheres where bringing people together is the only way to move forward and to serve.

How can we be assured that, if elected, you will work in the best interests of your constituents versus your personal interests?

I always honor my word. My first 100 days in office will be invested with meeting my 434 new colleagues I the House of Representatives – learning about their journeys and the needs of the communities they represent. Hopefully they will be willing to listen about the needs of the communities in our 1st District of Kansas. We cannot wait until the moment of dispute or heated negotiation to meet for the first time. Government can succeed when good people “give a little to gain a little’ in support of their communities.

You have my word.

What will you do to address the Gun Violence crisis?

Our country’s founders established the 2nd amendment as part of the Bill of Rights – to assure these new and unruly colonies that their freedoms would be protected. These same founders, ordinary people shaped by extraordinary times, knew that this frame work of government would evolve over time. And I believe they embraced that America would lean upon its common sense to grow.

Requiring permits to own a gun makes sense.

Requiring a brief waiting period to conduct background checks make sense.

Locking up guns makes sense.

Keeping guns out of the hands of those who would do harm to themselves or to others makes sense.

And the most advanced gun available to soldiers of 1787 could shoot 3 rounds per minute. I truly doubt that the founders would see any common sense in allow weapons that shoot hundreds of rounds per minute to be accessed by anyone outside of our police and armed forces.

Common sense.

Candidates for Kansas Senate District 24

Sen. JR Claeys
Sen. JR Claeys

Candidate Name: JR Claeys


Telephone Number: DID NOT RESPOND




1. Why are you seeking this office and what are your qualifications?


2. What is your position on Expanding Medicaid and why? Would you support putting Medicaid Expansion on the ballot?


3. How can we be assured that if elected, you will work in the best interests of your constituents versus your personal interests?


4. What will you do about the Gun Violence crisis?


John Baker
John Baker

Candidate Name: John Baker

Address: PO Box 3323, Salina, KS 67402

Telephone Number: 785-289-5629

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Attorney

Education: Washburn University School of Law, JD '22, Fort Hays State University BBA Management ’17.

Why are you seeking this office and what are your qualifications?

I am running for Kansas Senate District 24 because I believe our state needs leaders who will prioritize the well-being of every Kansan, not just he wealthy and powerful. I am committed to ensuring that all Kansans have access to quality healthcare, fully funded public education, and the opportunity to build a better life.

My background as an attorney, coupled with my experiences in community organizing has equipped me with the skills to advocate for policies that promote fairness and justice. I’ve been deeply involved in local efforts to address systemic issues and believe that public service is the best way to create lasting, positive change.

What is your position on Expanding Medicaid and why? Would you support putting Medicaid Expansion on the ballot?

I fully support expanding Medicaid in Kansas. Medicaid expansion is vital for ensuring healthcare access for thousands of Kansans, reducing mortality rates, and supporting our rural hospitals, many of which are struggling to survive.

Kansas is one of the few remaining states that hasn’t expanded Medicaid, and this inaction has resulted in unnecessary suffering and economic strain on our healthcare system, I would support putting Medicaid expansion on the ballot to let the people decide, through the Kansas Legislature should take immediate action rather than continuing to stall on this issue.

How can we be assured that if elected, you will work in the best interests of your constituents versus your personal interests?

My dedication to public service stems from my commitment to helping others, not advancing personal interests. I have spent my career advocating for the rights of individuals and have consistently put people before profit. If elected, I will continue to work with integrity and transparency, listening to my constituents and making decisions based on what’s best for our community.

I believe in accountability, and my record of community involvement and professional advocacy demonstrates that I prioritize the needs of the people I serve over personal gain.

What will you do about the Gun Violence crisis?

The gun violence crisis is one of the most pressing public health issues facing our country. I support common-sense gun safety measures, including universal background checks, and red flag laws.

While I respect the Second Amendment, we must take steps to reduce the horrific levels of gun violence that claim thousands of lives each year. I will work to build bipartisan consensus on gun safety reforms, ensuring that we protect both public safety and responsible gun ownership.

Candidates for Kansas House of Representatives District 69

Rep Clarke Sanders cropped.jpg
Rep Clarke Sanders cropped.jpg

Candidate Name: Clarke Sanders

Address: 2096 Leland Way, Salina, KS 67401

Telephone Number: 785-577-4604

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Retired radio announcer

Education: Some college

Please limit responses to the questions to 200 words per question.

What are the three most important issues facing Kansas and how would you prioritize them?

Getting more people in the workforce

Affordable housing

Getting reliable internet into all of rural Kansas

What is your position on expanding Medicaid and why? Would you support putting Medicaid Expansion on the ballot?

I am opposed to expanding Medicaid. I think it would cost too much and it would add about 150,000 able bodied Kansans to the Medicaid roles that would push people who truly need the help further back in line. Medicaid as it stands now already cover 13 vulnerable population categories.

How can we be assured that if elected, you will work in the best interests of your constituents versus your personal interests?

I am seeking re-election. I have a record. I will continue to do things I have been doing. I am always open to getting phone calls on my personal cell phone (785-577-4606) or getting e-mails to either my House e-mail account or my personal e-mail ([email protected])

What will you do about the Gun Violence crisis?

This is a mental health problem. I will work to address the real issue which is NOT guns.

Lori Blake
Lori Blake

Candidate Name: Lori Blake

Address: 301 E Kansas, PO Box 67, Assaria KS 67416

Telephone Number: 785-227-0405

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Business Manager/Treasurer Trinity United Methodist Church, Salina

Education: Bachelors in Communications with an emphasis in Business Bethany College, Dec. 1997

What are the three most important issues facing Kansas and how would you prioritize them?

1. The largest issue is the lack of bipartisan problem solving. The two party system has polarized our government to be ineffective. My entire career has been in human services which has allowed me opportunities to collaborate with many people in Saline County and navigate systems to improve their lives. State government should be no different. When we view our differences as strengths, we can find solutions for all Kansans,

2. By meeting the legal obligation for Special Education funding, we increase general fund budgets locally. This investment into vulnerable students benefits not only their unique educational needs, but also allows districts resources to address low wages across the profession and greater flexibility with general fund dollars.

3. Increase access to medical and mental health services. Not only are there barriers for affordable options for health insurance, but equally challenging is finding care when we need it. From family practice to specialty care, our citizens don’t have access to doctors in a timely manner, Telehealth is improving acute diagnoses needs, but having enough providers outside of urban settings continues to be a problem. Offering economic incentives based on community need rather than simple economic growth should be prioritized.

What is your position on expanding Medicaid and why? Would you support putting Medicaid Expansion on the ballot?

Medicaid expansion in Kansas has been hindered by the lack of a fair and open debate, despite a hearing held earlier this year. Post-COVID, nearly 57,000 children lost access to health insurance between January and July 2024. Additionally, 150,000 working poor Kansans could benefit from federal tax dollars that have already been paid,

Currently, Medicaid eligibility in Kansas is severely limited. A family of four earning over $11,856 per year is disqualified, and single individuals without a disability or pregnancy status are ineligible regardless of income. Expanding Medicaid would allow more Kansans to access better jobs, work more hours, and still maintain health coverage. This could reduce the overall burden on healthcare costs for everyone, as uninsured individuals increase rates for others.

While passing a constitutional amendment for voter-initiated ballot measures is unlikely due to the political climate, the best way forward is to elect representatives who will advocate for the interests of the citizens

How can we be assured that if elected, you will work in the best interests of your constituents versus your personal interests?

Over three decades as a small business owner and administrator in public education, disability supports and child abuse prevention, I have learned families are the foundation for society. When they thrive, we all do. My leadership is steeped locally through community investment of time, talent and treasure. My career demonstrates an openness and willingness to listen and to collaborate to improve our community,

During this campaign, mu love for meeting new people and discovering how we are connected has been elevated at voter’s doors. I have made myself available in person, by phone and through varied platforms electronically. This will continue once I am elected. I am not a politician. I want to be the representative of the 69th district to focus on common ground to grow the group mind to bloom solutions for the greater good.

What will you do about the Gun Violence crisis?

I will advocate for common sense laws to require education and accountability. If we require a license to drive a vehicle on public road. It’s not unreasonable to verify gun owners are trained to take the responsibility for safe storage and use. When laws are enacted to require background checks and waiting periods, we must also fund the system and be willing to enforce the federal and state laws on the books Owners selling their4 firearms need to understand their responsibility to ensure a safe buyer and tht there are legal consequences to selling a weapon used in a violent crime, Developing extreme risk laws and waiting periods to identify and allow red-flag risks enacted with law enforcement could be one way to reduce the 318 suicides completed by using a firearm in 2023. According to Everytown.org, guns are tied for the 2nd-leading cause of death among children and teens in Kansas. In Kansas, an average of 50 children and teens die by guns every year, of which 48% of these deaths are suicides and 49% are homicides. In the US, 31% of all gun deaths among children and teens are suicides and 63% are homicides.

Kansas House of Representatives District 107

Dawn Wolf
Dawn Wolf

Candidate Name: Dawn Wolf

Address: 600 N. Putnam, Bennington, KS 67422

Telephone Number: 785-488-3728

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Ottawa County Commissioner and Online Coordinator @ USD 240 Bennington Jr/Sr High School

Education: Brown Mackie College, Business Marketing

What are the three most important issues facing Kansas and how would you prioritize them?

Continuing to work for the reduction of taxes, especially property taxes. This would be dealt with during the budget process.

Conservation of our water and keeping it pure from contamination so it will be there for generations to come. It is one of our most precious resources and we need it to sustain life along with the agriculture industry’s survival. This will take serious discussion that does not tie the hands of our farmers doing their of feeding the world.

Economic development and workforce shortages must be addressed to keep rural Kansas viable going forwards to be able to maintain our current rural populations.

What is your position on expanding Medicaid and why? Would you support putting Medicaid Expansion on the ballot?

I’m open to working with those who see the need for alternative healthcare funding and vouchers that would support our rural hospitals to maintain access to health care for all Kansans.

How can we be assured that if elected, you will work in the best interests of your constituents versus your personal interests?

I will commit to transparency and communication with the 107th constituents while being accountable to their needs. The policies I vote for will reflect the needs and concerns of those I represent. I will serve with integrity to earn and maintain the trust of those I represent in my district.

What will you do about the Gun Violence crisis?

I will vote to strengthen background checks, support gun safety programs, collaborate with law enforcement to identify those with gun related crimes and invest I mental health support.

Candidates for Saline County Commission District Two

Kathleen Malone Crouch
Kathleen Malone Crouch

Candidate Name: Kathleen Malone Crouch

Address: 2530 Argonne Dr. Salina, KS 67401

Telephone Number: (580)585-1907

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Retired teacher & Retired Office Specialist

Education: BS in Education, 45+ hours graduate school in science and other

How do you see the relationships between the City and County Government?

I believe that the city and county should work together to provide governance for all of the people. There are some things that each entity does solely and some things that they both do in their own areas.

What are the top three priorities that you see in Saline County and how would you prioritize them?

1) A safe and healthy working environment 2) Working to continue bringing infrastructure up to date without adding to the tax burden, and 3) Retention of professional staff who are trained to state and national standards.

What is your position on reimagining the City/County Building Master Plan?

I believe that we need to reimagine the use of buildings in the City/County Building Master Plan. Some of them have serious problems that cannot be corrected. Others may be used for alternative purposes other than originally intended. We may be in need of some new buildings. This should all continue to be studied.

Annie Grevas
Annie Grevas

Candidate Name: Annie Grevas

Address: 2354 Hillside Dr. Salina, Kansas 67401

Telephone Number: 785-819-3088

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: KWU Assistant Director of Grants

Education: BS in Social Work, Kansas State University Many hours of grant writing, leadership, budget and program Implementation training.

How do you see the relationships between the City and County Government?

The City and the County represent the same taxpayers with at least 85% of persons being under City and County. We do not want to go back to the way it was 10 years ago with conflict in solving problems and not able to work together. Not us vs them but instead it is we. And that is how I see the relationship currently.

What are the top three priorities that you see in Saline County and how would you prioritize them?

1) Increase suitable space for Saline County Health Department, 2) Work to efficiently repurpose empty building spaces within Saline County, 3) At policy level work to meet Saline County citizens’ needs and boost economic growth.

What is your position on reimagining the City/County Building Master Plan?

Great Question! This process is in the 1st stage in the process, and I support the work of listening to taxpayers, getting community. I am excited to actively participate in this on-going process with the city and the County actively making decisions with the community. Due this effort just beginning I am in no position to make any further comments but I was so appreciative of being invited, as the Republican candidate and participating with other elected officials and department heads in the recent review.

Candidate for Saline County Attorney

John Reynolds
John Reynolds

Candidate Name: John A. Reynolds

Address: 2219 Leland Way

Telephone Number: 785-823-1333

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Attorney

Education: Juris Doctor Degree

Why are you seeking this position and what are your qualifications?

I am a lifelong resident of Saline County. As this is my home, I wish to do my best to keep it a safe community. My experience as a police officer and attorney give me unique skills to do exactly that.

What do you see as the top three areas in the County Attorney’s office that need immediate attention? How would you address them?

The number one item is inadequate number of staff. The office is allotted ten (10) attorneys. The office is currently short of attorneys. More emphasis should be placed on bringing the staff of attorneys up to maximum, including looking at the pay scale. Outside of the staffing issue, I do not see any immediate issues to address.

Candidate for Saline County Clerk

Saline County Clerk Jamie Doss.jpg
Saline County Clerk Jamie Doss.jpg

Name: Jamie R Doss

Address: 2749 Bret Ave, Salina, KS 67401

Telephone Number: 785-819-2168

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Saline County Clerk/Election Officer

Education: Master County Clerk Certification National Certified Elections/Registrations Administrator, Mini-MPA Wichita State University, KAC Foundations in County Government Leadership, Leadership Salina

What are top three priorities in Clerk’s office that you want to focus on and how would you prioritize them?

My top priorities have always been election integrity, efficiency, modernization, and maintaining transparency to build public confidence. With a background rooted in a law enforcement family, I take great pride in public service, and upholding the law. I am highly detail-oriented and work diligently to ensure that not only our elections, but also our tax rolls and voter rolls are accurate and well-maintained.

As an Incumbent, what have you accomplished since you have been in office?

In January 2017, following my election in 2016, I took office and immediately implemented key initiatives to enhance the election process and preserve historical records. I secured new voting equipment that provides each voter with a verifiable paper trail, ensuring transparency and accountability. Our office now manages the programming of ballots internally, implemented electronic poll pads on election day to improve efficiency and increased accuracy, and I introduced a ballot drop box at the courthouse to make voting more accessible.

Additionally, I established a Saturday early voting option to accommodate those unable to vote during the week. To enhance election security, I increased the chain of custody for ballots and equipment. Beyond election management, I spearheaded the digitization of historical commission minutes dating back to the 1860s, as well as many other records. With the support of my office, we consolidated and scanned years of documents, making them more accessible and preserving them for future generations.

Candidate for Saline County Treasurer

Anthony Newell
Anthony Newell

Candidate Name: Anthony “Tony” Newell

Address: 900 Spruce St, Salina Kansas

Telephone Number: 785-577-6640

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Accounting Technician, Saline County

Education: Kansas State University - Salina, Certified County Treasurer Level 1, Kansas County Treasurers Association

Why are you seeking this position and what are your qualifications?

I have had a genuine interest in finance and budgeting most of my life. Before my bid for the county treasurers office, I was the general manager for several $100 million retail operations. I am no stranger to delivering on budget, and driving results. I have also secured certification from the Kansas County Treasurer’s Association in June 2024.

What do you see as the top three areas in the County Treasurer’s office that need immediate attention? How would you address them?

Tag office employee retention (turnover reduction), continued re-investment in non exempt wages, and supporting the Kansas County Treasurers Association’s efforts in shifting the fees collected and retained by the state back to the county tag offices.

Kansas County Treasurers are tasked with managing and operating the tag office as agents of the state. Over the past 17 years, the Kansas Department of Revenue in conjunction with state legislature, have shifted many job responsibilities and operational costs from the state to the county level, without adjusting the fee reimbursement schedule.

If elected, I will continue to work with our legislature to be an advocate for the taxpayer; shifting fees collected by the state back to our counties where the work is being done so we may better serve the customer.