The Rolling Hills Zoo is making sure its animals stay cool and comfortable as temperatures soar into the triple digits again this week.
Rolling Hills Zoo offers many different ways for the animals to keep cool when temperatures rise, including:
● Pools (a favorite of tigers, African painted dogs, hyena, anteater and Andean bear)

● Mud wallows (a favorite of our southern white rhino and camel)
● Access to their indoor habitats (these have fans to keep them cool, and the snow leopard even has an air conditioner)
● Ice Blocks (for example, the snow leopard gets one to curl up with in his cave)
● Frozen ice bottles (for example, these are put in the houses on the islands of the lemurs to keep them cool)
● Misters and sprinklers (a favorite of the ostriches)

● Cold Enrichment: Blood icees (a favorite of our big cats) and flavored water icees in a water bottle (a favorite of our primates)
●Tubs of ice
● Shade structures in their outdoor habitats
To learn more about the Rolling Hills Zoo visit their website at https://www.rollinghillszoo.org/#info-events