Two people were arrested after a high speed pursuit from Salina to Brookville.

Salina Police Captain Paul Forrester reported this morning that an off-duty Saline County deputy observed Joanna Deniston, who was on the Saline County Most Wanted list, in a vehicle that pulled into the Pilot Travel Center, 1944 North Ninth Street, early Monday afternoon. A Salina Police Department (SPD) officer responded to the location and was advised that the vehicle had left Pilot and was southbound on North Ninth Street, he noted.
The vehicle was described as a silver Honda two door with Texas plates.
The officer observed a vehicle matching the description traveling south on North Ninth Street and then quickly turning west onto Inez Avenue, according to Forrester. The officer attempted a traffic stop in the 1200 block of North 10th Street and the vehicle accelerated rapidly, he explained.
The driver continued south on North 10th Street crossing North Broadway Boulevard at speeds of approximately 50 mph, Forrester reported. The vehicle then went west on West North Street and continued onto Old Highway 40 at speeds of approximately 75 mph, he noted. The vehicle continued west on Kansas Highway 40, eventually reaching speeds of 100 mph, Forrester added.
According to Forrester, the Saline County Sheriff’s Office then took over the pursuit in the county as SPD officers followed.
The suspect vehicle then attempted to turn north on Brookville Road, entered the ditch on the northwest side of the intersection, and struck a pole, Forrester explained. The two occupants ran from the vehicle and were located, with the assistance of a witness, hiding underneath the front and back porch of a residence in Brookville, he noted.

Forrester reported that Deniston was located under the front porch and the driver of the vehicle, David Moreno, 38, of Salina, was located under the back porch.
Deniston complained of injuries from the crash and was transported to Salina Regional Health Center for a broken back, Forrester reported.
Deniston had three felony warrants out of Saline County District Court for felony parole violation, felony failure to appear, and aggravated failure to appear, Forrester explained. Additionally, the following charges were requested for Deniston, Forrester noted.
Felony obstruction
No seat belt
According to Forrester, the following charges were requested for Moreno.
Felony flee and elude
Driving while suspended
No proof of insurance
Reckless driving
Felony obstruction
Duty upon striking unattended property
Accident involving person injuries