City of Salina
Due to tree damage caused by the storm on Saturday, City of Salina staff will perform a sweep of the entire city to pick up tree limbs beginning Monday.
The thunderstorm and wind event that impacted the City of Salina on Saturday caused damage to trees in all sectors of the community. While not catastrophic the damage to trees in the community was significant and subject to city forces providing services to help residents recover from this storm event.
Residents are asked to neatly stack tree limbs near the curb on their property for city pick-up by 7 a.m. Monday. City crews will work their way throughout the entire community to pick up piles of tree and limb debris in sanitation trucks, dump trucks, and where necessary, a grapple truck or a front-end loader to load the larger tree trunks. The tree limb pickup effort is expected to take one-two weeks to complete.
Residents do still have the option to take their tree limb debris to the Salina Municipal Solid Waste Landfill for free during normal business hours. The landfill is located at 4292 S. Burma Road and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. (Please Note: Contractors providing a tree service are subject to fees and mixed residential loads containing sod, dirt, rock, lumber refuse, and grass will be charged $42 per ton).
For more information, please visit http://salina.ks.us/PublicWorks or with further questions, contact the City of Salina General Services office at (785) 309-5750.