Central Kansas Extension District’s hands-on “Preserve it Fresh, Preserve it Safe” food preservation workshop is set to return this summer.
The workshop is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 20 at Trinity United Methodist Church, 901 E. Neal Avenue.
"As gardens are getting planted, so are plans to preserve the harvest to enjoy in later months. To safely preserve food, education is key to know the best method and recommendations," Lisa Newman, family and community wellness extension agent, told Salina Post.
K-State Research and Extension food scientist Karen Blakeslee will introduce participants to the most current, recommended methods of preserving foods through pressure canning, waterbath canning, dehydration and freezing. Participants will get to see and use various food preservation supplies and equipment on display – as well as take home some of the items preserved throughout the day.
"This annual workshop is always well attended and an excellent opportunity for novice to seasoned attendees to ensure their harvest is safely preserved," Newman said.
Preserving foods at home isn’t difficult, but it does require following research-based recipes and practices of preserving. Even if you have been a home food preserver for years or you are a first timer, attend to learn the latest recommendations.