The Salina City Commission will hold its regular meeting on Monday, March 24, 2025, beginning at 4 p.m. in Room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street.
Salina City Commission to hold study session on economic development and funding allocations
The Salina City Commission will hold a study session on Monday, March 24, 2025, at 1:30 p.m. The session will take place at the Chamber of Commerce – Visit Salina Annex, 218 N. 7th St.
Topics of study and discussion include:
Salina Community Economic Development Organization Annual Partner Meeting
Joint City-County Discussions of Allocations to Outside Agencies
Study sessions are open to the public and media representatives. No formal action will be taken during the session.
Citizens may attend in person or join via Zoom using the link (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89275984587) or by calling 1-346-248-7799 (Meeting ID: 892 7598 4587).
The meeting will also be broadcast live on the City of Salina’s YouTube channel and local cable access (SalinaTV).
Call to Order
Mayor requests staff confirmation that the Kansas Open Meeting Act required notice has been properly provided.
Roll call
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
Consent Agenda
(4.1) Consider approval of the minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2025.
(4.2) Consider approval of the minutes of the special meeting of March 12, 2025.
(4.3) Consider approval of Change Order No. 2 to Project No. 24022, Major Concrete, in the amount of $151,825.35.
(4.4) Consider awarding the bid for Project No. 25004, 2025 Microsurfacing, to Vance Brothers, Inc. of Kansas City, MO in an amount not to exceed $1,160,056.10.
(4.5) Consider approval of two Change Orders to Project No. 20029, Phase 2 of Project Rise Centennial and Arnold Avenue Improvements, raising the total contract amount to $2,175,780.26 and extending the completion date to June 11, 2025.
(4.6) Consider approval of Resolution No. 28-8285 extending the terms of certain members on citizen boards, commissions, and committees.
(5.1) Consider receipt and review of the 2023 Audit Report from FORVIS, LLP.
(5.2) Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute a Recruitment Services Agreement with Government Professional Solutions (GPS) for executive search and hiring services for the city manager position in the amount of $21,500.
Development Business
(6.1) Consider approval of Ordinance No. 25-11238 correcting and repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 24-11192, which amends the Future Land Use Map of the City of Salina.
(6.2) Consider authorizing the Mayor to sign the final plat of Dry Creek Addition No. 2 (Phase II of the Salina Destination Development project).
(6.3) Consider approval of Ordinance No. 25-11240 rezoning a 1.39-acre tract of land on the south side of West Magnolia Road, west of Virginia Drive, from A-1 (Agricultural) to PDD-R-2.5 (Planned Development District-Residential).
(6.4) Consider authorizing staff to prepare a Special Assessment Engineering Feasibility Study for Dry Creek Addition No. 2 (Phase II of the Salina Destination Development project).
(6.5) Consider acceptance of a public drainage easement from the Salina Regional Health Education Foundation on Lot 1, Block 1 of the ADR Addition.
(6.6) Consider approval of Resolution No. 25-8287 amending the South View Estates, LLC Development Agreement.
Other Business
Discussion of other items not on the agenda.
Citizens Forum
Opportunity for public comments.