Mar 09, 2022

Salina police officers recognized for assisting distraught man

Posted Mar 09, 2022 6:36 PM

From the Salina Police Department Facebook page:

On February 24th, 2022, at 9:01 PM, officers responded to a residence in Salina. A report had been received from a Crisis Hotline that a 58-year old man was suicidal, and had possession of a large knife. Eventually the officers learned that the man had recently lost his wife.

Officers contacted the man, and through a storm door they were able to see he had a liquor bottle and a large fillet knife, and was clearly upset. He did confirm he wanted to harm himself. Officers remained outside, speaking to the man, until they could get the man to put down the knife and exit the home. The man was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Both officers have previously attended department training on De-escalation and Tactical Communications, and Mental Health and Law Enforcement. We commended Officers Christmas and Grisham for the tactics, patience and use of their training to resolve this issue peaceably. 22-5271.