Following is recent booking activity for the Saline County Jail, as provided by law enforcement. Photos, if provided, are courtesy of Saline County Jail. All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

NAME: Anderson,Rashad D Marquis
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear

NAME: Blackwell,James A
REQUESTED CHARGE(S):Domestic battery: Knowing/reckless bodily harm

NAME:Coats,Bryan James
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation

NAME: Dewitt,Dolton Glen
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit

NAME: Hart,Patricia Ann
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear

NAME: Huff,Kasey Jay
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Criminal discharge of firearm; Recklessly at occupied dwelling

NAME: Saltkill,Izaiha Jack
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Criminal discharge of firearm; Recklessly at occupied dwelling
Distribute marijuana; 450 grams - < 30 kilograms
Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body
Poss of marijuana
Possess paraphernalia to cultivate <5 plants
Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or cont substance
Unlawful to aquire proceeds from drug trans; Value $5,000 - $100,000

NAME: Johnson-Ponce,Manuel Alexander
Agg assault of LEO; w/ deadly weapon
Agg endanger child; Expose to sale meth/fentanyl
Criminal restraint
Criminal threat; Unknown circumstance
Domestic battery: Knowing/reckless bodily harm
Criminal trespass; Remain in defiance of order by owner

NAME: Trist,Maile Rose
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear

NAME: Wagoner,Michael Joseph
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit