Aug 29, 2024

Love, Chloe Gold Ribbon Golf & Gala Sept. 20

Posted Aug 29, 2024 3:39 PM
Love Chloe Foundation
Love Chloe Foundation


The Gold Ribbon Golf & Gala, hosted by the Love, Chloe Foundation, is a premier fundraising event in Salina. In its seventh year, the event continues to grow and attract participants eager to support childhood cancer families. 

The festivities begin with a 4-person golf scramble tournament at the Salina Municipal Golf Course on Friday, September 20. With two tee times available at 8 a.m. and 1p.m., the tournament typically sells out quickly. Participants can look forward to a fun-filled day with food, drinks, games, and raffles.

The registration fee is $400 per team, and teams can secure their spots at until the event is full.

The celebration continues with the gala on Saturday, September 28, at Tony’s Pizza Events Center. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for an elegant evening featuring a 1920’s theme.

Attendees will enjoy a delectable dinner and appetizers, along with drinks, raffles, a whiskey pull, silent and live auctions, and inspiring guest speakers. The gala is a special opportunity to honor childhood cancer heroes and share their stories. Tickets are $75 each or $600 for a table of 8. Visit to purchase tickets.

This event not only offers a chance to contribute to a meaningful cause but also promises an engaging and memorable experience.

 "Being able to hear firsthand about the impact of what these donations are going towards is very impactful," said Love Chloe Executive Director Heidi Feyerherm-Smith. "We're expecting that we'll probably reach 500 people this year and our golf fundraiser has sold out for the last several years. Last year we raised the number of teams we allowed so now we have 50 teams. I think we're about two teams away from selling out this year."

The Love, Chloe Foundation is an incredible resource for Kansas families facing childhood cancer. Through their Monkey in My Chair program, they offer essential support to children and families across the United States, helping to maintain school connections for kids who are away due to treatment.

In addition to these kits, Love, Chloe provides financial grants of up to $1,500, gas cards valued at $250, and Warrior Wagons. These wagons are packed with a variety of travel-friendly necessities and comfort items, including snacks, activities, blankets, toys, and restaurant gift cards. Each wagon, worth around $1,500, also includes a $500 VISA gift card for parents, ensuring they have some financial relief during this challenging time.

Once emptied, the wagons can be repurposed for transporting luggage or even the child to and from the hospital, adding a practical benefit to their support.

According to the National Cancer Institute, on average, more than 290 children and adolescents in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer every week. Each September nonprofits, cancer treatment centers, and members of the public rally together to raise awareness for childhood cancer.

To learn more about Childhood Cancer Awareness Month click here. 

Chloe's Story


According to the Love Chloe Foundation website, Chloe was born March 1, 2000. A millennium baby and just one day shy of being a leap day baby. Chloe grew up loving all girly things. She loved pink, purple, shopping, shoes, dolls and dressing up. Chloe knew how to make you laugh and was quite the entertainer. Chloe attended Coronado Elementary where she made many friends and did very well in school.  

On November 6, 2006 a trip to the doctor changed her and her family’s lives forever. A few weeks before, a family member noticed that one side of Chloe's face looked a little different. After a trip to the doctor, it was determined that it was just Bells Palsy.

This condition is usually temporary and only affects the facial muscles. It wasn't until they realized that Chloe had lost her hearing on the same side that they knew something else was going on. When Chloe went in for an MRI the next day and found out the worst news possible.   

Chloe was diagnosed with a Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). This is a tumor that is growing in the brainstem and cannot be removed with surgery. The diagnosis was grim, but did not discourage her or her family from trying to beat it.

They started the fight with six weeks of radiation treatments. The follow up MRI did not bring the news they had hoped for. Although it didn't appear to be growing, the tumor had not gotten any smaller.  

In spite of the disappointing news, they continued on and began looking for other options. In the meantime, Chloe was able to go on a wonderful Make-A-Wish trip to Disneyworld. After the trip to Florida, her wish continued with a trip to the zoo to help feed the animals. Chloe loved monkeys and the chance to feed a lemur was priceless for her.  

Her family decided to go to Texas Children's Hospital to continue with Chloe's battle. They do lots of research there and they were able to get into one of their clinical trials.

Chloe's family stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Houston during her treatment. She remained on the trial from May through the beginning of August.

The MRI in August showed a 30 percent growth in the tumor and Chloe had to come off the study. The doctors had nothing else to offer and Chloe was losing more of her ability to walk. Chloe then started on an oral chemo for about a month, but only saw Chloe get tired and worn out from it. She also tried Vitamin C treatments for her last month.

In Chloe's last month, she could no longer walk or swallow on her own. Chloe never let the tumor affect her spirit or love of life, until she was on a feeding tube. Although she hated the tube, she continued to fight against the tumor.  

It was on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 that Chloe was freed of all her physical ailments and earned her wings in heaven. She fought hard and inspired all those around her.