Following is recent booking activity for the Saline County Jail, as provided by law enforcement. Photos, if provided, are courtesy of Saline County Jail
All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
NAME: Ballinger,Elijah Quinn
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit
NAME: Bruning,Jennifer Elizabeth
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear, Failure to appear
NAME: Degener,Jason Edward
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear
NAME: Eilrich,Jeremy Michael
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear
NAME: Garvert,Deanna Marie
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs Unknown severity, Endangering a child
NAME: Hull,Tanner Lee
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Battery; Phys contact rude/insult/angry manner, Violation of protection order; Unknown circumstance
NAME: Larson,Erick Eugene
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Criminal use of weapons; Barrel < 18" or automatic, Defacing identification marks on a firearm, Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body, Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant
NAME: Linaweaver, Dustin Maynard
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Burglary;Locked non-dwelling to commit felony, theft, domestic violence, or sexually motivated crime, Theft of prop/services:Value less than $1,500, Criminal trespass; Unknown circumstance
NAME: McDaniel, Terry Michael
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation
NAME: Pagan, Angela Maxine
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs Unknown severity