Jan 22, 2024

Salina City Commission Agenda Jan. 22

Posted Jan 22, 2024 4:42 PM
Snow blankets the Salina City and Saline County building during a snowstorm on Saturday, Nov. 25, in Salina. Photo by Olivia Bergmeier
Snow blankets the Salina City and Saline County building during a snowstorm on Saturday, Nov. 25, in Salina. Photo by Olivia Bergmeier


Two proclamation requests, a public hearing, changes to The City of Salina personnel manual, and possible approval of an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad Company are among the items on this week's Salina City Commission agenda. 

About the meeting

Study sessions and city commission meetings will take place in–person in room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street, and via Zoom until further notice. Meetings also can be viewed at the City of Salina YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/cityofSalinaKansas.

To participate via Zoom, citizens will need to use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89275984587.

The meeting also can be accessed by phone at 1-346-248-7799. Enter Meeting ID:892 7598 4587 when prompted.

If citizens wish to speak, either during the public forum or when the mayor requests public comment on an item, citizens attending via Zoom must raise their hands so that the meeting host can allow them to speak. Those who attend the in-person meeting will have the opportunity to speak at the podium.

The regular meeting is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.


-Commissioners are scheduled to consider two proclamation requests. The first will seek to recognize the month of January 2024, as Stalking Awareness Month. Mary Cookson, Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas (DVACK) Victim Advocate, will read the proclamation.  January is also National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Angela White, DVACK Sexual Assault Advocate, will read the second proclamation.

Public Hearing

A public hearing for and approval of Resolution No. 24-8185, adopting the 2024-2029 Neighborhood Revitalization Plan, including the designation of Revitalization Areas. 

What is a "Revitalization Area?"

In 1994, the Kansas Legislature passed a law allowing local communities to designate neighborhood revitalization areas within which certain incentives are created to encourage capital investment which otherwise might not occur in these areas of historic importance and are subject to physical deterioration and other economic challenges. The law also allows the designation of certain historical or significant individual structures to be eligible for incentives.

What land are we talking about?

Last year, the City Commission received a request from Agri-Center requesting an amendment to the City of Salina's Neighborhood Revitalization Plan boundary to incorporate their 5-acre site on West Old Highway 40 into NRA Area B along the North Broadway corridor and provided staff direction regarding preparing the plan amendments and presenting them to each of the other taxing entities within the community for their consideration and consent.

Staff has completed drafting the map amendment and met with each of the taxing entities and secured their consent to the proposed boundary change. Consequently, it is now appropriate for the City Commission to hold the required public hearing as the final step in preparation for City Commission consideration of the updated 2024- 2029 Plan.  

Consent Agenda

- Approve Resolution No. 24-8184 appointing a member to the Salina Community Economic Development Organization

- Authorize the City Manager to execute a Pipeline Crossing Agreement with Union Pacific Railroad Company (UPRR) for Pipeline Crossing of Railroad Property at Mile Post 495.75

An existing six inch cast iron water main running parallel to Ash Street broke at the railroad crossing between Chicago Street and College Avenue. The existing pipe was installed in 1916 and did not include a casing pipe. A casing pipe allows for the removal and replacement of the existing water line under the railroad crossing without causing harm to the tracks or the railroad right-of way.

The proposed new 12-inch casing pipe is 100 feet long and the new water main will be inserted in the casing pipe and connected to the existing water main on each side of the railroad crossing. The agreement grants the City the right to construct, maintain, and operate the pipeline. In addition, the agreement defines the terms, provisions, conditions, and insurance requirements when work is performed in the railroad right-of-way.

- Authorize the purchase of a Type 1 Osage Ambulance remount on a new 2024 Ford F550 4X4 chassis for $203,840.00 from Emergency Services Supply, the authorized Osage Ambulance sales vendor for Kansas


-Approve Resolution No. 24-8183 amending and updating the City of Salina Personnel Manual

-Approve Resolution No. 24-8186 amending and approving the City Commission Agenda General Order of Business and City Commission Meeting Public Participation Policy document.

-Announce the Mayor's appointment of City Commissioners to Citizen Boards and Commissions

Development Business

Authorize City staff preparation of a Special Assessment Engineering Feasibility Report for internal improvements serving the Overlook Estates Addition and authorize staff to design, acquire needed easements, prepare cost estimates and an engineering feasibility report, and construct an off-site water line extension serving the Overlook Estates Addition.

Other Business/Citizens Forum

Request for Executive Session - Property Acquisition

To see the full Salina City Commission agenda for Monday, click here.