Oct 21, 2021

Salina Regional Health Center Service Auxiliary installs new officers

Posted Oct 21, 2021 12:05 PM
<b>Salina Regional Health Center Service Auxiliary officers are, from left: Sandy McIntire, president; Emma Doherty, past president; Bonnie Anderson, president-elect; and Brenda Smith, treasurer.  Not pictured Margaret Robertson, secretary. </b>Photo courtesy&nbsp;Salina Regional Health Center Service Auxiliary
Salina Regional Health Center Service Auxiliary officers are, from left: Sandy McIntire, president; Emma Doherty, past president; Bonnie Anderson, president-elect; and Brenda Smith, treasurer. Not pictured Margaret Robertson, secretary. Photo courtesy Salina Regional Health Center Service Auxiliary

The Salina Regional Health Center Service Auxiliary installed new officers at their annual membership brunch on Oct. 11, 2021 at St. John's Lutheran Church.

The theme of this year’s program was "Volunteers the Heart of the Community."

A welcome was given by President Emma Doherty.  Invocation was given by Pastor Delvin Strecker, St John's Lutheran church.  Musical entertainment was presented by Arnie and Jean Boyd from Chapman, Kansas.  Marsha Haskett, Director of Volunteers/Gift Shop Manager shared updates of the Gift Shop and that the volunteers have new blue vests they wear while volunteering. 

Treasurer Brenda Smith gave the 2020-2021 financial report sharing her appreciation for memberships and extra donations to the auxiliary.  Sally Emerson, President of the Kansas Hospital Volunteers, spoke on the values of hospital volunteers for our patients, families, and guests.

Sally Emerson than installed the new officers for SRHC Service Auxiliary - President Sandy McIntire, President-Elect Bonnie Anderson, Secretary Margaret Robertson, Treasurer Brenda Smith, and Past President Emma Doherty.

Bonnie Anderson did a recognition of lifetime members.  The SRHC Service Auxiliary currently has a total of 170 members.  If interested in membership to the auxiliary, please contact Bonnie Anderson 785-822-4559.