Jul 27, 2020

Stadium remodel, proclamation, budget, expo center also on city agenda

Posted Jul 27, 2020 2:20 AM

Salina city commissioners are scheduled to consider Monday a proposed agreement for renovations to Dean Evans Stadium.

Commissioners are scheduled to meet at 4 p.m. in room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street. A time for public comment is scheduled near the beginning of the meeting and at a 3:45 p.m. study session in room 107 of the City-County Building, according to the meeting agenda.

The push for renovations to city-owned baseball and softball facilities, and specifically Dean Evans Stadium, has been ongoing since 2019. The city had "previously received and considered in detail a Public Private Partnership (PPP) proposal from Salina Baseball Enterprises (SBE) to rais $4M of private funds and donations for improvements to Dean Evans Stadium, East Crawford Recreation Area baseball and softball fields and facilities and Bill Birke Park baseball and softball fields and facilities to be matched by $4M of funds to be provided by the City," according to information in the meeting packet.

In 2019, the city commission faced multiple budget challenges, so it directed staff to pursue funding of the city's share of the baseball/softball facilities upgrades with a transient guest tax increase. Then, in march 2020, the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic began to become apparent and the city commission decided to postpone further consideration of the project for 90 days with the intention of taking another look at the project in late June.

Meanwhile, SBE indicated that it would like to move forward with renovations to Dean Evans Stadium, and would fund the renovations entirely with private donations. The estimated cost of renovations to Dean Evans Stadium was thought to be approximately $1.8 million. In return, SBE requested the ability to retain the right to rename the East Crawford Recreation Area and acknowledged that they would have to adhere to city facility naming guidelines and process.

On June 1, city commissioners directed city staff to work with SBE to prepare a revised agreement specific to SBE fully funding proposed improvements to Dean Evans Stadium. It is that revised agreement that commissioners are scheduled to consider on Monday.

The agreement would be entered into with the Salina Athletic Partners (SAP) which is comprised of SBE, Salina USD 305, and Kansas Wesleyan University. City participation is limited to drainage improvements, which have already been completed, and the base cost of replacing the current netting for the stadium, which is an identified need at this time.

According to the meeting information, Salina USD 305 has agreed to contribute $500,000 toward the $1.8 million estimated cost of the project.

Other items on the Salina City Commission agenda for Monday include the following.

READ: City to consider proposal to rezone former school property

Consider a request for a proclamation honoring the life and legacy of John R. Lewis. Sandy Beverly is scheduled to read the proclamation.

Hear the second reading Ordinance No. 20-11024 amending Chapter 35 of the City Code by adding a new Article XIV to Chapter 35, establishing standards for the construction, maintenance and modification of small cell wireless facilities in the public right-of-way and repealing Section 42-70 of the Salina Code.

Authorize publication of the Notice of Budget Hearing for the 2021 budget which sets Aug. 10 as the date of public hearing on the 2021 budget, and establishes the maximum limits of the 2021 budget.

Consider Resolution No. 20-7851 declaring the East Crawford Recreation Area to be considered a qualified facility under the City of Salina Municipal Facilities Naming Guidelines with proceeds from the naming being dedicated to the refurbishment of Dean Evans Stadium.

Consider Resolution No. 20-7856 authorizing the mayor to execute a Lease Agreement with Saline County, Kansas for the Saline County Expo Center.

Consider Application #Z20-2, (filed by Joe Hill on behalf of the Joe Hill Trust), requesting a change in zoning district classification from R-2 (Multi-Family Residential) to I-2 (Light Industrial) on a vacant lot facing Reynolds Street addressed as 535 Reynolds Street and hear the first reading Ordinance No. 20-11025.

Consider Application #Z20-3, (filed by St. Francis Ministries), requesting a change in zoning district classification from R (Single-Family Residential) to U (University) district for eight (8) lots located on the north side of Euclid Avenue east of North Ninth Street and hear first reading Ordinance No. 20-11026.

Additionally, the commissioners are scheduled to meet in executive session to discuss the subject of the city’s claim arising from the detection, isolation, and cleanup of asbestos materials in the basement and basement stairwell of Fire Station No. 2 with the City’s legal counsel.

To see the entire city commission meeting packet (466 pages), click here.