Oct 19, 2023

2023 Election: Candidate for USD 305 School Board, Paul Gebhardt

Posted Oct 19, 2023 2:06 PM


During the month of Oct. the Salina Post will be publishing a series of profiles introducing the community to candidates for Salina City Commission and school board candidates for USD 306, USD 305, and USD 307. 

The Salina Post sent questionnaires to the candidates asking for biographical information, initiatives they hope to champion as a board member, and why they chose to run for school board.

The general election will be Nov. 7. The deadline to register for the 2023 Election is Oct. 17 before 8 p.m. 

If you live outside of Saline County check with your local elections officer for election deadlines.

Paul Gebhardt

Paul Gebhardt
Paul Gebhardt

What is your Age?
I am 49 years old.

What is your profession?
I am a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer working toward my next career as a college student.

Are you an incumbent?
No, I am not an incumbent.  I am the only challenger to the four incumbents.

Give a brief bio on yourself in 100 words or less:

I was born in Salina, KS, and attended school at Sunset and Grace Stewart Elementary schools and later South Junior and South High, where I graduated in 1992. I joined the Navy and served sixteen years at sea on five ships deploying nine times as well as being stationed overseas for thirteen years.  I worked in Law Enforcement, Naval Security Forces, and Weapons Systems ultimately serving in senior Departmental and Command Leadership roles.  Shortly after retirement, I returned to Salina to attend Kansas State Polytechnic’s Professional Pilot and UAS Engineering and Technology programs.

As a school board member, what specific initiatives or policies would you prioritize in order to improve educational outcomes and support the overall well-being of public school students in our community?

I believe we should prioritize combatting the growing absenteeism problem that has been trending in recent years by implementing some policy changes that support increased attendance.  Secondly, I believe we need to create initiatives that will improve our academic scores and make USD 305 a top performer statewide, raising the standards, which will draw the highest quality teachers to the district.  Next, I believe that it is imperative that we reduce the amount of distractions that have invaded our schools so that we can get back to focusing on the fundamentals that traditionally have been the foundation of education.  We need to assess what justly serves the students and adheres to established guidelines and community values to achieve the desired outcomes we seek.

In recent years many books have been removed from the shelves of public libraries due to their alleged inappropriate content. As a school board member where do you stand on this issue?

I believe that the library curatorship is where the answer to this question lies.  The public and school libraries need to be curated as such that they provide access to materials and resources that have academic value and adhere to moral and ethical standards.  If the books or materials are of questionable nature or content, then they likely do not serve the students properly in the school or public environment, making it inappropriate and unethical curatorship.  We should not provide minors access to these books and materials if they are inappropriate and unnecessary in the school or academic environment.   

Parental engagement and community involvement are crucial for the success of any school district. What strategies would you implement to increase collaboration between parents, citizens, and educators?

     I agree that parental engagement and community involvement are crucial for the school district’s success, and I think a good way to help bring everyone together is by ensuring regular Parent Teacher Conferences, Open Houses, and Forums to suit the various levels of involvement.  We need to ensure that the conversations go both ways and that adequate feedback is provided to assist in healthy communication.  One of the biggest gripes that I have heard in recent years is the lack of healthy productive conversation that leads to the disenfranchisement of parents.  It’s imperative that School Boards and School Faculty get this right because everyone is paying for it, but the kids are the ones who lose the most.

Please explain why you are running for School Board:

     I’m running for School Board to contribute what I can to my community and our future.  I am a product of this school district and have benefitted from many of the programs that it has provided such as Project Excel and Remedial Studies.  I have a plethora of life experiences and extensive leadership and management skills that can be applied to help provide the necessary outlook and oversight to achieve mission success.  Solid education will lead to a promising future.