Aug 20, 2023

Arizona Cardinals vs. Kansas City Chiefs, Coaches Quotes

Posted Aug 20, 2023 3:12 PM

Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid

Opening statement:

“There’s not really injuries to talk about. Everybody came through pretty good. Listen, it was a good effort all the way around. Defensively, I thought we started fast, which we needed to do. Offensively, we had a few hiccups there early, penalties and that, so. We’ve got to take care of business with that. But I thought all in all, all of the groups came out and played good football—respectable football—and that’s what you try to get done in the second game.”

On if he felt Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes needed a sustained drive to “check the box."

“Yeah, he actually said that. He’s the one who got in there and got some work done and he was able to get the offense in the endzone there so that’s a positive. I thought the offensive line did a nice job for him and the receivers. We had a lot of guys catch the ball, which is positive. I thought all of the offensive line held their own. They’re a brand new group here and he’s trying to establish himself and doing a nice job of that, so he can use this game to (his) benefit.”

On if there was a conscious effort to target Chiefs WR Rashee Rice:

“Well, not necessarily. His number just got dialed up, but he’s a good football player and has had a nice camp for us. He can return punts too, so he gives you a lot of flexibility there.”

On if he values perfecting what the team does well or fixing what can be corrected during the preseason:

“I think knocking the rust off for the ones is important. A little communication and continuity there. Just bringing things together and working off of each other. I take that for the ones and then the rest of the guys are trying to make the team. They’re trying to show where they can fit. Our message from the beginning is just make it hard for (Chiefs GM Brett) Veach and myself to make those decisions, and they did that tonight so that’s a positive."

On if the depth chart switch of Chiefs QB’s Blaine Gabbert and Shane Buechele was due to their performances a week prior:

“Well this was a game that (Chiefs QB) Blaine (Gabbert) wasn’t scheduled to play. Normally, the third guy goes, but both of them played great, and that’s a good thing that (they) both really played good football.”

On if he thought Mahomes was out of bounds on his sidearm throw in the first half:

“Yeah, (Chiefs Offensive Coordinator) Matt Nagy was yelling at him to get out of bounds. Don’t take a hit.”

On if Mahomes received ‘the hit’ he wanted to get in preseason:

“He doesn’t need to get hit. That’s a good thing.”

On if Mahomes will play next week:

“We’ll see. We’ll see how that goes. We normally don’t but we’ll see how it goes.”

On the importance of receivers bouncing back after a dropped pass:

“Yeah, it’s great to come back, but let’s try not to do it at the start. If you do then you’ve gotta come back. Let’s try to eliminate the first part of the equation.”

On WR Richie James and his role on the offense:

“Yeah, he knows the offense. He’s been in it for a year now. He got a ton of snaps during training camp and he got enough here.”

On if James will be returning kickoffs as well:

“Yeah, both. We’re good. Experience."

Cardinals Head Coach Jonathan Gannon

On his overall feelings on the game:

“Yeah, we got beat, obviously. I thought we did a good job of getting back into the game there before the half, just couldn’t sustain it. All three phases we have got to get cleaned up or that is what’s going to happen against a good football team, you’re going to get beat pretty good. It will be very black-and-white to our guys what we need to improve in a hurry. We have to improve that going into Minnesota for those practices and the game so we can be a little more competitive.”

On QB Clayton Tune’s play throughout the game with his legs and decision making:

“Yeah, it’s just that. He’s a mobile guy and I think some of that too is the timing of the play. He got a little bit off, so when he’s expecting guys to be where they are at and they’re not, that’s what is going to happen. Maybe one or two bust protection, or whatever. (There are) things we need to clean up, but I did think that he did a good job of getting us out of trouble a couple times and extending some plays. I thought he operated well in the two-minute, which is good to see. He will have some things, like everybody after a win or loss, that we have to look at and get cleaned up but I think he did a good job on that.”

On if giving up over 500 yards to the Kansas City offense is a concern:

“Yeah, it’s a concern. When the ball goes over your head, it’s a concern. So we won’t win many games if we do that.”

On S Isaiah Simmons's performance today:

“I’ve got to watch the tape on that. I know he had the one penalty and it was a bang bang (play). It was a good physical play and a couple times in coverage, he may have lost leverage, but we will go back to the tape and get him cleaned up.”

On how to fix Tune's high throws:

“I think he has to step into his throws and make sure his hands are over the ball. A couple of times he's sailed a couple and we are working on that. But a lot of times that’s not delivery, it’s footwork. At times, it can be hard when that rush is barreling down on you. We’ll get that cleaned up.”

On his thoughts on WR Greg Dortch's touchdown:

“Yeah, I thought it was good. He is tough and scrappy. They ended up calling that one back, that was the review, but then we punched it in there so that was a good play by him.”

On if eight penalties for 82 yards was due to lack of discipline or focus and how to fix it:

“I don’t think it’s lack of focus or lack of discipline. I think it is a lack of technique. When you play with bad technique, you get penalized, and that is what happened. You obviously have to get that corrected. They kind of go in waves a little bit and sometimes that is how the crews calling it and we have to play within the rules. Typically, when you get penalized it is for bad technique.”

On an injury update:

“I think (CB Kris) Boyd went out with some ribs and Gardeck had a little bit of knee, so we will go in there and see where we are at with them.”

On RB Keaontay Ingram's performance:

“I thought he looked good. Made some runs and made a couple of guys miss. That touchdown run was pretty special so it was good to have him back in there. That was his first exposure in a live game. I know he was lattered up pretty good, he had a good attitude, he did a good job. And the O-Line did good when they were in there with him. They opened up some holes and created some displacement."

On Ingram and others returning kicks:

“We are looking at everybody.”

On why Tune played well into the second half:

“I think he needs the reps. For being a rookie quarterback, he needs the reps. To be able to see different things and Spegs (Chiefs Defensive Coordinator Steve Spagnuolo) is one of the best defensive coordinators there is. He gave us a lot of looks and that’s good because that’s what real ball is. I thought he handled it well, he changed a couple of protections, changed some points in the run game, missed a couple too, got us out of bad plays, but it was good. I wanted to see him play.”

On the challenges of having to defend against a mobile quarterback:

“Yeah, it just goes to show you that, with a guy like that, you have to defend a little differently. Our guys are versed on that but there’s going to be times, that’s the NFL today, there’s a free runner, there’s going to be leakage at times. You’ve got to extend plays and make plays with your feet. I thought he did good with it.”

On the communication with Offensive Coordinator Drew Petzing and Defensive Coordinator Nick Rallis:

“Actually it was pretty seamless, I thought. Kind of the same as last week. Drew being up there, I thought they handed it well. Is was down, I know he was on the headset with him, so I’ll talk to Drew about it tomorrow and see where he wants to go.”

On how to clean up drops by receivers:

“We have to have soft hands. It’s repetition. They’re working at it every day, sometimes that is how the ball bounces. When you do get open and we hit those guys, we have to convert those because those are missed chances. That’s honestly the difference. They didn’t have a lot of drops, we had some drops. That’s not the difference of the game, but those things matter.”

On what aspect of the game, besides the loss, he is most disappointed in:

“Honestly, the explosives. I think that, whatever it was, they had over 300 yards in explosives. I think they had eight or nine explosives. You’re not going to beat anybody like that. That is one of our core principles of defense. So truthfully, that is what I am most displeased about.”

On how QB Colt McCoy did in the first unit offense:

“He did good. He didn’t convert a couple of third downs, but I thought the operation was good and we had some plays in there that he hit. He was good.”

On how much of the loss is attributed to playing against the Chiefs:

“Yeah, it’s a good football team. It’s a good football team. But every team in the NFL is a good football team and if you don’t play the type of ball that you need to play in all three phases versus anybody, you will get beat. We have to make sure that we give ourselves a chance to win.