Following is recent booking activity for the Saline County Jail, as provided by law enforcement. Photos, if provided, are courtesy of Saline County Jail. All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
NAME: Hall, Ricky Lee James
REQUESTED CHARGE: Crim damage to prop;w/o consent $1K-$25K, Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body and Poss of hallucinogenic drug
NAME: Calp, Brandon Lee
REQUESTED CHARGE: Failure to Appear
NAME: Casas, Jairo Darel
REQUESTED CHARGE: Disorderly conduct; Brawling or fighting and Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose misd warrant
NAME: Davis, Sevijon Taurice
REQUESTED CHARGE: Probation Violation, Criminal threat; Unknown circumstance and Interference with LEO; knowingly flee by means other than motor vehicle for felony case
NAME: Drake, Kensey Lejuan
REQUESTED CHARGE: Outside warrant/NCIC hit, Poss of hallucinogenic drug and Transporting an open container
NAME: Hatfield, Teko Tremayne
REQUESTED CHARGE: Driving While Suspended, Poss of hallucinogenic drug and Transporting an open container
NAME: Thrower, Justan Wayne
REQUESTED CHARGE: Agg assault; w/ deadly weapon, Agg Domestic Battery: impede breathing/choke and Kidnapping; In flight or the commission of any crime
NAME: Turner, Troy Anthony
REQUESTED CHARGE: Criminal Damage to Property; Value Unknown
NAME: Walsh, Casen James
REQUESTED CHARGE: Probation Violation