On Aug. 9, 2020, through Aug. 10, 2020, two persons were in Riddle’s Jewelry, 2259 South Ninth Street (Central Mall) in Salina. It was reported that while one person distracted an employee, the other person took two ring display flats, containing numerous diamond rings. The value of the stolen items was $28,000.
A photograph was obtained of the persons. One was described as a Black male, 30-40s, wearing a black ball cap, a light blue t-shirt, and dark shorts. He was accompanied by a Black female, 30-40s, with a blue striped dress.
If you have any information concerning this event or identification of the individuals, call Crimestoppers at 825-TIPS, text SATIPS to CRIMES (274637), or visit https://new.tipsubmit.com/en/createreport/anonymous/salina.org to submit a web tip.
You may receive a cash reward of up to $1,000, and you are not required to give your name. 2020-23190.