Dec 01, 2023

UPDATE: Salina 'Shop Small Saturday Do Over' set for Dec. 2

Posted Dec 01, 2023 1:46 AM

Salina Post

Shop Small Saturday in Salina will have a take two this year due to the five inches of snowfall on Nov. 25 in town. The "do-over" will be this Saturday, Dec. 2 for locals to take part in holiday deals.

Shop Small Do-Over
Shop Small Do-Over

Shop Small Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting and celebrating small businesses and all they do for their communities.

On Saturday Salina Downtown businesses and eateries will have promotions and discounts, encouraging consumers to shop local and make a difference beyond the retailers' doors.

READ MORE: ‘Like Christmas in June’ Choose Saline County app raises redemption record

Small Business Saturday. Graphic courtesy Salina Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Saturday. Graphic courtesy Salina Chamber of Commerce

According to recent reports, 58.1 million consumers are expected to participate in "Shop Small Saturday" this year. The personalized experience, unique products, and exceptional service offered by small businesses are the primary reasons why 96% of consumers choose to shop small.

When you support local businesses you support local jobs and your tax dollars stay local, ensuring the money spent continues to circulate within the local economy.

LISTEN: Leslie Bishop shares info for Salina Downtown holiday events 

Small Business Saturday. Graphic courtesy Salina Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Saturday. Graphic courtesy Salina Chamber of Commerce

Small businesses play a crucial role in the US workforce, employing approximately 61.7 million people, which accounts for nearly half of the entire workforce.

Leslie Bishop, executive director of Salina Downtown Inc., emphasized the importance of shopping small and supporting local businesses.

"The best gift you can give is to shop small and support our local businesses in downtown Salina," Bishop said. 

During a recent Salina City Commission meeting Bishop read a proclamation, proclaiming Nov. 25 (now as "Shop Small Saturday." Salina Mayor Mike Hoppock signed the proclamation.

"Thank you for all that you and your staff do downtown," Hoppock said. "Downtown looks wonderful and thank you to the merchants that have decorated their windows. I myself, love this time of year."

After reading the proclamation Bishop informed commissioners that Salina Downtown merchants are having successful year. 

"Our merchants are happy, and in fact, we had one store last week tell us [Salina Downtown] that they reached their 2022 sales in October of this year," Bishop said.

Another part of the re-do includes an incentive program on the Choose Saline County mobile application.

Saline County Public Information Officer Melissa McCoy described the incentive as a cash-back program, rewarding local shoppers for spending money at community businesses. The cash comes from the county's American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, fund.

"There are currently $79,734 stars sitting in people's wallets that they can only redeem at Redeeming Choose Saline County merchants," McCoy said.  "This Saturday for every $50 they redeem, they will receive 10 back."

Each star represents a dollar so local shoppers can get $10 back for every $50 spent.

Salina Downtown merchants invite and encourage you to support local businesses not just this Saturday but throughout the entire year.

For more information about Salina Downtown Inc. check out their website here.