Sep 25, 2024

KWU hosts first Homeschool Visit Week

Posted Sep 25, 2024 7:46 PM


Kansas Wesleyan will host its first Homeschool Visit Week Nov. 11-15, as one of the fastest-growing universities in the Midwest opens its doors to a growing segment of the Sunflower State’s population.

“Homeschooling is on the rise in Kansas,” said Ken Oliver, executive vice president of advancement and university operations. “Some statistics show that the rate of new Kansas homeschooling families has tripled in recent years. Many of these students are great people and, academically, tremendously qualified. They also are hoping for a university experience that includes personal attention, and that, in a nutshell, describes Kansas Wesleyan. We’re happy to welcome all homeschoolers from across the state to visit anytime, but particularly this week.”

While any student may visit Kansas Wesleyan at any point, this week is a focused opportunity to promote KWU’s inclusion of the homeschool community in its recent academic focus.

“We are proud of how, in recent years, we’ve increased our admissions standards and made a conscious choice in bringing in more academically minded students,” said Oliver. “Just as we know those students attend public and private schools, we also know many are homeschooled. We hope the announcement of Homeschool Visit Week tells the Kansas homeschool community that we recognize that fact, and we welcome them to explore all KWU has to offer.”

Students may register for a KWU campus visit at and all are welcome to visit at any agreed-upon time, regardless of school or homeschool affiliation.