Appointments, a proposed pay schedule change, bonds, and a proposed special improvement district are among the items on the Salina City Commission agenda for Monday.
About the meeting
Study sessions and city commission meetings will take place in–person in room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street, and via Zoom until further notice. Meetings also can be viewed at the City of Salina YouTube channel,
To participate via Zoom, citizens will need to use the following link:
The meeting also can be accessed by phone at 1-346-248-7799. Enter Meeting ID:892 7598 4587 when prompted.
If citizens wish to speak, either during the public forum or when the mayor requests public comment on an item, citizens attending via Zoom must raise their hands so that the meeting host can allow them to speak. Those who attend the in-person meeting will have the opportunity to speak at the podium.
Citizens also can send written comments or questions to city commissioners via email at [email protected].
In order for the commissioners to have an opportunity to review comments in advance of the meeting, please email your comments or questions by 5 p.m. the Sunday prior to the Monday meetings.
Regular meeting
The regular meeting is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. NOTE: The Citizens Forum time for public comment has been moved to the end of the meeting.
Commissioners are being asked to amend the Public Safety Pay Schedule by reclassifying the fire battalion chief position from grade S10* to grade S9* and change the position description for the position from exempt to non-exempt. These proposed changes were first recommended in the Fire Department Staffing Assessment and Report presented to commissioners on Feb. 28.
As it is currently, the battalion chief position is a salaried position with no possibility of overtime. The hourly rate range is $21.27 to $33.95.
According to information in the city commission meeting packet, the recommended move to a lower pay grade "takes into account the added potential earnings due to the ability to earn overtime" should the entire proposed amendment be approved. The hourly rate range for the S9* pay grade is $20.22 to $32.28.
Commissioners also are being asked to appoint the following two people to fill unexpired terms on the Business Improvement District Advisory Board.
●Consider appointing John Reber to fill the unexpired term of Jenn Reitz until Aug. 31, 2023
●Consider appointing Emily Brandt to fill the unexpired term of Michelle Jensen until Aug. 31, 2024
Other items on the city commission agenda for Monday include the following.
●Consider awarding a bid for the city's ultrathin bonded asphalt surface project to APAC Kansas, Shears Division of Salina in the amount of $965,046.15 with a five-percent construction contingency for a total project authorization not to exceed $1,013,298.46 and authorize the city manager to execute a contract with APAC Kansas, Shears Division of Salina upon fulfillment of all prerequisites under the bid documents.
●Consider approving a resolution accepting and approving a grant agreement with the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation for the 2021 Kansas Moderate Income Housing grant program and authorizing the mayor to execute the grant agreement and associated implementation and administrative documents.
●Consider approving on second reading an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance to add travel center and/or truck stop, short term recreational vehicle parking area accessory to hotel, motel, truck stop or travel plaza and mini-warehouses to the list of conditional uses allowed in the S. Ninth Street Corridor Overlay District. Action on this item was postponed from the March 14 meeting to Monday's meeting so it could be considered by all members of the city commission.
●Consider approving a resolution related to the establishment of a special improvement district in Lakeview Estates Addition No. 2 and authorize the mayor to execute an Improvement District Development Agreement between the city and Stanley C. Byquist.
●Consider approving a resolution authorizing the offering for public sale of general obligation bonds; consider approving an ordinance on first reading that would authorize the issuance and delivery of approximately $8,200,00 principal amount of general obligation internal improvement bonds; and consider authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement with Stiefel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc., to provide financial advisor services for the City of Salina for the issuance of the 2022 general obligation bonds. If approved, the bonds would retire a portion of the city's General Obligation Temporary Note Series 2021-1, which matures on May 1, 2022, and permanently finance the following projects.

●Consider approving a resolution setting the date for a public hearing to consider whether dangerous structures at 244 E. Diamond Drive, 615 S. Ninth Street, and 619 S. Santa Fe Avenue shall be condemned and ordered demolished or repaired.
Additionally, commissioners are scheduled to meet in executive session with defense counsel to discuss legal aspects of a suit asserting claims against the city on the basis of allegations of defamation and violation of Kansas common law whistleblower protection and the Fair Labor Standards Act.
To see the full Salina City Commission meeting packet for Monday, click here.