Feb 19, 2022

🎥KSRE: Why are coyote populations on the rise?

Posted Feb 19, 2022 12:45 PM


In this video, K-State Research and Extension wildlife management specialist Drew Ricketts discusses the reasons behind a three-fold increase in coyote populations since the mid-1980s. 

“Coyotes are becoming better and better at taking advantage of the changes we’ve made to the landscape, and learning how to capitalize and live in an urban environment,” Ricketts said. 

Ricketts also says that while many think of coyotes as predators, “really they’re omnivores. They eat a lot of insect matter, fruits and vegetables. They eat animal matter, too, but they have learned to capitalize on human by-products, like trash.” 

K-State Research and Extension video produced by Nathan Leatherman