Information courtesy Greater Salina Community Foundation
The 13th year of Match Madness proved to be “The Lucky One,” raising over $1.1 million in a single day for 100 local nonprofits, setting a new record.
On March 21, donors contributed $786,246 to 100 nonprofit endowed funds held at the Greater Salina Community Foundation for long-term support. That combined with $320,171 in matching funds and bonus prizes brought the total impact for the day to $1,106,417.
“The amount of generosity that flowed through the Fieldhouse that day blows me away,” said Jessica Martin, President & Executive Director. “We had donations of all sizes that when added together made a big impact. That’s the definition of community.”

The event was held at the Salina Fieldhouse from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. where donors could make their donation and visit one of the 74 nonprofit booths that were set up ready to share about their mission. All donations were matched up to 50% in the form of an instant cash grant to the charity from a $313,000 match pool.
Nonprofits also had the opportunity to earn up to $130 in the Bill Grevas Minute to Win It Free Throw Contest sponsored by Bennington State Bank and $1,300 in the BE Wealth Half Court Shot contest.
Saline County 5th Graders
This was also a record year for Saline County fifth graders. When Ken and Karen Ebert decided to sponsor the USD 305 fifth graders in 2023, they hoped it would inspire others to do the same —and it did!
Thanks to the generosity of several donors every fifth grader in Saline County was able to donate $10 to their favorite charity at Match Madness. Overall, 634 fifth graders participated, supporting 84 of the 100 charities.

One goal of taking students to Match Madness is to teach them about philanthropy and the joy of giving.
“A small donation can make a huge difference,”said Fifth grader Blakely Chamberlain.
Blakely’s gift is also endowed meaning her $10 donation will grow to $46 in 20 years. This may not seem like a lot, but when Blakely’s donation is combined with all the 634 fifth graders, their donation of $6,340 will grow to $29,164 in 20 years, all while making annual grants to nonprofits.
Celebrating Success
The day ended with a celebration and after party at the Prickly Pear from 7-11 p.m. where nonprofits, donors and Foundation staff watched the final numbers tally in for what really proved to be “The Lucky One!”
“Match Madness is always a terrific day for our community and for everyone who participates, so there is always a feeling of not wanting it to end. Extending the in-person giving window until 11pm at The Prickly Pear was a terrific way for everybody to continue the fun and celebrate the huge impact that donors make for our community,” said Michael Chambers, GSCF’s VP of Community Impact.
Since 2012, Match Madness has generated nearly $6 million for 112 local nonprofits.