Jul 31, 2024

How K-State's precision agriculture research put a Clay Center farm on the global stage

Posted Jul 31, 2024 1:02 PM
A partnership between Kansas State University researchers like Ajay Sharda, professor of biological and agricultural engineering, and local farmers like Brian Martin to study, design and implement precision agriculture techniques and technology<br>
A partnership between Kansas State University researchers like Ajay Sharda, professor of biological and agricultural engineering, and local farmers like Brian Martin to study, design and implement precision agriculture techniques and technology

CLAY CENTER — To get to be a farmer, Brian Martin first has to be a decider.What to grow. How much of it to grow. What seed to use. Where to grow it. When to plant it — both in time of day, and in time of season. How far apart (and deep) to plant it. When to treat it. How to treat it. When to harvest it. For the third-generation Kansas farmer and his wife Lori, some of these decisions — like the one they made to convert to no-till operations in the 1990s — are easier if only in that they're made once and at a bigger scale. Others are made every day and for every acre of land.

Despite his informed intuition and expertise through experience over decades of farming, making these decisions at the level of precision required by modern agriculture can be difficult. Any number of factors — all of which independently vary across hundreds of acres of farmland at Martin Farms — influence the decisions he makes as he tries to be the most efficient, cost-effective and environmentally conscious farmer he can be But a unique partnership with Kansas State University has helped equip Martin, and farmers like him across the country and globe, with precise information and best-informed practices, so he can implement decisions to make him the most successful farmer he can be.

K-State partnership brings precision agriculture tech, techniques to local farms. Over the past 30 years, K-State researchers have partnered with local producers like Martin Farms to study, hone and implement precision agriculture techniques. It's research that has allowed Martin Farms to take each 'next step' to overcome any obstacles and become a next-generation farm, Martin said."There are times when you feel like you are stubbing your toe, so we say, or having a problem," he said. "You just have to work through the problem to get to the next step, and that's what we've done with these farms. K-State has been on the cutting edge forever, and that's why we partner so well. "These innovations — while helpful to Martin Farms across 2,000 acres of farmland in northcentral Kansas — are real-world use-cases that also inform agriculture research, implementation and product development around the globe, said Ajay Sharda, professor of biological and agricultural engineering and director of K-State's Institute for Digital Agriculture and Advanced Analytics