Those who attended Salina Public Library’s Summer Kickoff Party on Friday evening were the first to hear Director Melanie Hedgespeth and Assistant Director Amy Adams unveil the Re-Imagining Our Library Youth Services Capital Campaign.
“We couldn’t think of a better time to unveil this project because it will make the transformation of the library’s Youth Services department possible and if you are here today we know you understand the value of the library for children and teens,” Hedgespeth said during the announcement

The project will include the addition of a youth programming room, an additional meeting room, a nursing room for mothers, a dedicated teen space, upgrades to bathrooms and more improvements throughout the lower level of the library. This space was last renovated 27 years ago in 1997. Since then, the space has faced wear and tear while technology, programming and the community have continued to grow and evolve.
Salina Public Library understands that they play a pivotal role in the lives of youth in Saline County. From the educational programming to the after-school snacks, they have been a safe and welcoming space for children and families for years. They provided 9,553 school library cards to students, delivered 3,940 items to local childcare providers, hosted nearly 715 youth and teen programs and so much more just in the last year. With the remodel of Youth Services, they aim to create a space that better serves patrons for years to come.
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The estimated cost of the project is $3.6 million dollars, of which $1.2 million dollars has already been donated. The library would like to give a special thank you to their Benefactor Sponsors the Middlekauff Foundation, Mccune Foundation and Earl Bane Foundation. The library has invested half a million dollars of its budget and is calling on the community to help this project become a reality.
To learn more about the project or to make a donation, visit salinapubliclibrary.org/re-imagining-our-library or call Allyson, Head of Fundraising, at 785-833-9211.