Nov 14, 2023

Chiefs Quotes 11-13-23

Posted Nov 14, 2023 12:13 AM

OPENING STATEMENT: “Today we didn’t do much, just went out and got ourselves moving around a little bit, it’s an extra day. It was good to get back out there, everyone had a chance to work, so that was a positive. With that time’s yours.”

Q: It seems like Kadarius Toney’s usage has been down, what’s the reason behind that and what is the outlook for him?

REID: “We’ll just keep coming with him. I just want to remind everybody that he did have the knee surgery (during training camp), we’re taking it easy with him up to this point just making sure he can make it through the year in good health.”

Q: What has impressed you most with Mike Danna and George Karlaftis?

REID: “Two young guys that are really playing good solid football. One thing you’re going to get with them is 110% every snap, there’s no plays off with those two. They’re both smart kids, they know the defense, what they can get away with and what they can’t.”

Q: What have been the biggest positives with the offensive line and what do they need to do better?

REID: “I think we’re doing a pretty good job with the run game and for the most part with the pass game. We’ve got to eliminate the penalties, that’s the main thing. (If) we take care of that, we’ll be fine.”

Q: Has winning games in a different style this year required any adjustments for you?

REID: “I would say you adjust every – I mean every week you adjust, and you adjust every year. There are certain things we’re still working through and learning, that will continue I’m sure throughout the year. These young guys are getting better every week which is a plus. We’ve got to keep that rolling, we’ve had a couple drops, we’ve got to keep working through that and make sure we stay strong through the ball. Other than that, we’re third in the National Football League in throwing, so that’s pretty good.”

Q: Is there any gratification winning games in a different way than you have in the past?

REID: “We’re probably – between the run game and the pass game maybe more rounded, but I’m not sure about that either. Our numbers are about the same if you take percentages from what we’ve been doing. I like some of the things I’m seeing, but again, there’s some things we need to work on. I would tell you the penalties are probably the biggest thing right now; we’ve just got to take care of business with that.”

Q: When you went to the Super Bowl for the first time with the Chiefs did you have any sense that you personally were the sentimental favorite?

REID: “I’m insulated from it, but if that were the case it’s probably because I’m old and hadn’t won one – or been a head coach for one.”

Q: Do you have a sense now that people are tired of you and the Chiefs winning?

REID: “I’m in this office – you know how I do this – I’m in this office more than I’m out of the office, so I’m not feeling a whole lot of that either way. I’m kind of toned in on trying to make sure we play well against the Eagles right now.”

Q: What is your reaction with the effectiveness of the "Tush Push" and how much time do you think the Eagles spend on it in practice?

REID: “That’s a tough one to practice because you almost have to do it live, so I don’t think they’re spending a ton of time on it. I just think they’re good at it. I mean their inside three (offensive lineman) do a pretty good job with it and they’ve kind of – I think they’ve grown with it over time here. That’s what I see.”

Q: Do other coaches ask you about Taylor Swift?

REID: “No, nobody’s really mentioned much on that. It is what it is, and I’m just glad he’s found somebody he likes and she’s found somebody she likes and that’s a good thing.”

Q: Taking time to assess in the bye week, what are you focused on going forward?

REID: “There’s plenty of things we can work on, and it’s all great what the record is. The main thing we focus on – we don’t care about that; we care about improving in all three phases and there’s room to do that. And (Statistical Analysis Coordinator Mike) Fraz (Frazier) does a great job with keeping us abreast after every game. Then you do, you have a little bit more time to kind of work on some things and look through them maybe at a little slower pace. I would tell you yes, there’s things that we can get better at. I tell you that every year though, but we’ve got to keep cranking and working in that area, just getting better.”

Q: How do you find the balance in playing time for Kadarius Toney?

REID: “Listen, he played seven plays last week, we can play him more than that and still be okay. We just keep an eye on his leg and make sure that were repping that out the right way, let him keep progressing as we go here throughout the year, that’s the important part.”

Q: What do you hope the team takes away from playing the Dolphins?

REID: “They’re a good football team, so you want to keep that part, you want to inevitably win games, I mean that’s what you’re trying to do. At the same time as you want to get better as you go and so coming out of that game we met right after we landed here and there were things that we can work on. We were all able to look at the tape as coaches on the plane ride back, so you know there are things there that we have to get better at but yet at the same time continue to play with that aggressiveness and that attitude.”