SANTA FE, N.M. - The National Park Service (NPS) is currently working on the Pike National Historic Trail Feasibility Study, and public input is needed.
The study will evaluate the eligibility, suitability, and feasibility of designating the route taken by Zebulon Pike’s 1806-1807 expedition as a new national historic trail.
Lieutenant Zebulon Pike’s expedition was among the first United States government-ordered, American led explorations into the southern portions of the Louisiana Purchase. The expedition traveled approximately 2,700 miles in present-day Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Texas, with an additional 1,000 miles of trail in Mexico.
The NPS will hold a series of virtual public meetings in May and June, 2021. Everyone with an interest in the trail and its history are invited to attend. Each on-line meeting will provide an opportunity to learn about the trail study process, ask questions, and submit written comments to be included in the report. Meetings are organized by state. One meeting will be conducted in Spanish.
Virtual Public Meetings Schedule
Visit go.nps.gov/PikeMeetings to view a complete schedule with meeting links.
Zoom meetings will allow you to view the presentation and type comments into the “chat” box. Participants can listen in by calling the meeting’s conference phone number. Callers will not be able to speak during the meetings. All phone lines are “listen only”.
For all meetings
Zoom Link: zoom.us/join
Zoom Passcode: piketrail
US Phone No. 1 346 248 7799
Mexico Phone # 52 558 659 60
Public meeting schedule
Monday, May 24: Noon-2pm MST
Meeting ID: 840 3093 7946 | Participant ID: 530852973
Monday, May 24: 6-8pm MST
Meeting ID: 828 6939 0971 | Participant ID: 172502062
Saturday, June 12: 10am-Noon MST
Meeting ID: 856 5344 0707 | Participant ID: 72732556
Kansas and Nebraska
Tuesday, May 25: Noon-2pm CST
Meeting ID: 827 8296 7057 | Participant ID: 220943572
Tuesday, May 25: 6-8pm CST
Meeting ID: 889 1217 9442 | Participant ID: 300930688
Wednesday, May 26: Noon-2pm CST
Meeting ID: 839 9100 4135 | Phone Passcode: 761202222
Wednesday, May 26: 6-8pm CST
Meeting ID: 840 5548 1626 | Participant ID: 714240317
Thursday, May 27: Noon-2pm CST
Meeting ID: 826 6010 2248 | Participant ID: 455020726
Thursday, May 27: 6-8pm CST
Meeting ID: 899 7164 1072 | Participant ID: 506950327
New Mexico
Tuesday, June 1: Noon-2pm MST
Meeting ID: 838 6804 9754 | Participant ID: 328518961
Tuesday, June 1: 6-8pm MST
Meeting ID: 838 1888 9561 | Participant ID: 554465943
Wednesday, June 2: Noon-2pm CST
Meeting ID: 895 7929 1260 | Participant ID: 422059154
Wednesday, June 2: 6-8pm CST
Meeting ID: 869 3127 0127 | Participant ID: 408333179
Spanish-speaking meeting
Thursday, June 3: 6-8pm MST
Meeting ID: 895 6536 6174 | Participant ID: 365754559
Anyone unable to participate in the virtual meetings is invited to submit comments and questions online at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/pike.
Comments may also be submitted via email to [email protected], or in writing to
Lillis Urban
National Trails
National Park Service
1100 Old Santa Fe Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Please note that comments must be received by June 30, 2021, to be considered as part of the study.
Visit the Pike Trail Feasibility Study project page at parkplanning.nps.gov/pike to learn more and watch a short introductory video at go.nps.gov/PikeVideo.
In 2019, Congress directed the NPS to carry out a feasibility study for designating the Pike Trail as a new national historic trail. Receiving input from communities, stakeholders, and the public is an essential part of the trail study.
The trail study process will be carried out over the next two years. Once completed, the study will be transmitted to Congress. Only Congress has the authority to enact legislation to designate new National Historic Trails. If the route is designated, land ownership and private property rights would not be affected. Non-federal landowners are under no obligation to participate or to allow the public on their lands.
America’s National Trails System
The National Trails System Act of 1968, as amended, calls for establishing trails in both urban and rural settings for people of all ages, interests, skills, and physical abilities. The National Trails System promotes the enjoyment and appreciation of trails while encouraging greater public access. The system includes national scenic trails, national historic trails, and national recreation trails.