As the Fourth of July approaches, the City of Salina reminds residents about the regulations of using fireworks within city limits, and also provides safety tips.
When fireworks can be used
Individuals may discharge fireworks on July 3 and July 4 from 8 a.m.-11 p.m.
Possible consequences for igniting/discharging fireworks outside of these times
Fireworks may be confiscated, and citations (misdemeanor, class c violation) with fines up to $500 may be issued.
Allowable fireworks
Only the personal use of small firework devices classified as “consumer fireworks” by the U.S. Department of Transportation are allowed. M-80 fire crackers, cherry bombs, bottle rockets, and sky lanterns are prohibited in Salina.
Illegal places to ignite/discharge fireworks
•While on streets, sidewalks, parks and other public property
•While on private property without the express written consent of the property owner
•Into, under, or from a car or vehicle, whether moving or standing still
•Within 100 feet of any hospital, sanitarium, nursing home, or assisted living facility
•Within 300 feet of any fireworks stand
•Fireworks may not be thrown at people, bicycles, vehicles or buildings
•Fireworks may not impact another property, either directly or from residue or litter
Who may not buy or use fireworks
It is unlawful for a minor (under 18 years of age) to possess and use fireworks unless under the direct supervision of an adult.
The Salina Police Department handles fireworks complaints. Individuals can call the non-emergency line at (785) 826-7210 to make a report. Police officers enforcing the fireworks ordinance will respond to the complaint.
•Always store fireworks in a cool, dry place.
•Know the fireworks being used; read warning labels and performance descriptions before they are ignited.
•Use fireworks outdoors in an area that is at least 20 feet away from buildings, vehicles, people and pets.
•Always have a connected hose, bucket of water, or other water source nearby.
•Have a responsible adult supervise all firework activities that involve minors.
•Wear safety glasses.
•Never carry fireworks in pockets or shoot them from metal or glass containers.
•Always place aerial fireworks on flat surfaces. Brace them between bricks, or in a bucket with sand or dirt to ensure they don't tip over.
•Light one firework at a time and quickly move away once it’s lit. Do not hold it by hand.
•Never relight a "dud" firework. Wait 15-20 minutes until it’s no longer hot, and then soak it in a bucket of water.
•When finished using a firework, place it in a bucket of water for fifteen minutes to ensure it has cooled down and there are no smoldering embers that can start a fire.
For further information about fireworks regulations in Salina, call the Salina Police Department’s non-emergency line at (785) 826-7210. For further information about firework safety, call the Salina Fire Department at (785) 826-7340.