Oct 17, 2023

2023 Election: Candidate for USD 305 School Board, Dana Kossow

Posted Oct 17, 2023 1:43 PM


During the month of Oct. the Salina Post will be publishing a series of profiles introducing the community to the six Salina City Commission candidates and school board member candidates for USD 306, USD 305, and USD 307. 

The Salina Post sent questionnaires to the candidates asking for biographical information, initiatives they hope to champion as a board member, and why they chose to run for school board.

The general election will be Nov. 7. The deadline to register for the 2023 Election is Oct. 17 before 8 p.m. 

If you live outside of Saline County check with your local elections officer for election deadlines.

Dana Kossow

Dana Kassow
Dana Kassow

What is your age? 57

What is your profession?Office manager for Kossow Clinic, Co-Founder of the School Marathon Program

Are you an incumbent?Yes

Give a brief bio on yourself in 100 words or less: 

My name is Dana Kossow, and I am asking for your vote for re-election to the USD 305 School Board. As a current School Board member, I have worked to ensure the district has held firm to our mission of being the best place to learn and work by embracing challenges, creating belonging, fostering pride, and inspiring hope. During the past four years, I have put time and energy into understanding the complexity of our school district. I would appreciate the opportunity to use the knowledge I have gained to continue positively impacting all Salina Public Schools.

As a school board member what specific initiatives or policies would you prioritize or improve educational outcomes and support the overall well-being of students in our community?
Teacher/Staff retention is a major priority. The BOE and District Office Team have begun the work needed to address this problem, but there is still work to be done. One change initiated this year was to give student teachers a stipend. We know that teachers are more likely to stay where they student teach. Because of this change, we have increased student-teacher numbers in our buildings and attracted student-teachers from colleges that have traditionally not come to Salina to student-teach. 6.In recent years many books have been removed from the shelves of public libraries due to their alleged inappropriate content. As a school board member where do you stand on this issue?  I do not believe in book banning. USD 305 has policies that give the parents control over what their child has access to. Each school website has a library tab that gives library policies and parental oversight instructions. All parents are given the option of providing expressed permission before their student checks out any book. 

Parental engagement and community involvement are crucial for the success of any school district. What strategies would you implement to increase collaboration between parents and educators? 
 In the past two years, I have seen incredible changes in how USD 305 creates community involvement and parental engagement. Superintendent Exline has inserted herself into the community with listening sessions in various locations. These sessions have been open to all parents and community members. Dr. Curtis Stevens, Director of Secondary Education, and his team have amplified USD 305's relationships with community businesses by creating the Building Bridges program. By inviting parents and community members into our schools, we are telling Salina that we are proud of our schools and want people to feel welcomed and invited to be part of the growth we hope to see with our new mission statement and strategic planning goals.