Jun 29, 2023

Mann: President shouldn't 'forgive' debt without Congress

Posted Jun 29, 2023 6:01 PM
Rep-Tracey-Mann-KS01 Official Photo
Rep-Tracey-Mann-KS01 Official Photo

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — The Supreme Court is expected to release its ruling on the legality of President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan in the coming days. Kansas First District Congressman Tracey Mann is hoping that the court reinforces the power of the purse for Congress.

"When the administration issues an Executive Order, Congress can move to strike it down, through what is called the Congressional Review Act," Mann said. "Last week, I voted to strike down what President Biden is trying to do there. The legislation to strike down that Executive Order passed on a bipartisan measure. It's a pretty widespread rebuke of what the President is trying to do."

The idea is that if student loan forgiveness should be done, it is the purview of those who authorize spending, not of the executive branch.

"President Biden's stroke of the pen is trying to wipe off up to $15,000 of student debt for folks, which is incredibly unfair to all the other taxpayers who are footing that bill, not to mention those that worked hard and already paid off their student loan and also those that never took out student loans in the first place."

Mann has been back in Kansas holding town halls throughout the Big First District this week.