Sep 19, 2023

Salina South High School Homecoming Schedule and 2023 Candidates

Posted Sep 19, 2023 7:28 PM
Salina South High School 2023 Spirit Week
Salina South High School 2023 Spirit Week

Salina Post

Salina South High School began celebrating its Homecoming Week on Monday, complete with daily themes, a parade on Wednesday, and a dance on Saturday evening to conclude the school spirit-filled week.

The spirit themes include "Barbieland" on Monday, "B.B.Q. Dad & Soccer Mom" on Tuesday, "Little White Lies" on Wednesday, "Through the Decades" on Thursday and "Green & Gold" on Friday.

Each day allows students to dress up within the theme, from all in pink for Barbieland day to a simple white shirt marked with a permanent marker for Little White Lies.

The themes allow any students to dress as they want within the school dress code, but on Thursday, the students will be divided by class.

Seniors will dress as cavemen — juniors will take inspiration from the 1950s, sophomores from the 1960s and freshmen from the 1980s.

The Parade

On Wednesday, Salina South plans to parade through downtown, beginning at The Temple at 336 S. Santa Fe Ave. After the parade, the school will host a pep rally at its stadium at 7 p.m.

The royalty candidates will parade with other students, local businesses and organizations to show school spirit and excite students for the pep rally.

On Friday, Sept. 22, during the Salina South High School football game against Maize High School, staff will coronate the winners during halftime.

The Queen and King Candidates

This year's queen candidates at Salina South include seniors Angelica Alvarado, Ally Exline, Tierstyn Kershner, Lola McBride and Emily Streeter.

Salina South's king candidates include Tristan Bernhardt, Kaden Budke, Alex Davidson, Quevon Purucker and Maddox Xaysongkham. 

Each student stays involved in the school, varying from choral groups to sports.

Salina South High School 2023 Homecoming candidates — left to right — Lola McBride, Alex Davidson, Angelica Alvarado, Tristian Bernhardt, Tierstyn Kershner, Quevon Purucker, Emily Steeter, Kaden Budke, Ally Exline and Maddox Xaysongkham.
Salina South High School 2023 Homecoming candidates — left to right — Lola McBride, Alex Davidson, Angelica Alvarado, Tristian Bernhardt, Tierstyn Kershner, Quevon Purucker, Emily Steeter, Kaden Budke, Ally Exline and Maddox Xaysongkham.

Angelica Alvarado

Alvarado is the daughter of Jesus Alvarado and Lorena Hernandez. During high school, Alvarado played volleyball for two years, ran varsity track since her freshman year, participates in New Dawn for the last two years, and is currently involved in Relay 4 Life, HOSA, STUCO, and National Honors Society. Alvarado also enjoys volunteering through St. Elizabeth's church and coaching at the Salina FieldHouse for youth sports. When she isn't at school, she works as a barista at Scooter's Coffee and spends time with her friends and family. In the future, she plans to attend Kansas University to major in Biology. 

"It's important to be a role model to whoever and be able to relate to whoever it may be in high school," Alvarado said. "High school can be a really fun time, and it can also be a difficult time for some students, so I definitely want to be able to be a person anyone can call a friend.

Tristan Bernhardt

Bernhardt is the son of Derik Bernhardt and Nicolette Srack. While at Salina South High School, Bernhardt played baseball all four years, wrestled for two years, and played football for one year. He is involved in the National Honor Society, Relay for Life, and STUCO. When he isn't at school, Bernhardt enjoys hanging out with friends, spending time with family, and works for his Dad at Naturescape. After graduation, he hopes to attend Kansas State University to join the architecture program. 

Ally Exline

Exline is the daughter of Linn and Curt Exline. During high school, Exline has participated in volleyball, swimming & diving, tennis, link crew, writing center, Kilt crew, National Honors Society, Relay For Life, be-longings committee, and STUCO. When she is not at school, she spends time with her family and friends, hangs out with her dogs, plays games, and works as a server at Chili's. In the future, she plans to go to K-State University with an undecided major. 

Kaden Budke

Budke is the son of Chuck and Diane Budke. During high school, Budke participated in football his first two years and baseball all four years. Budke is a member of the National Honor Society, Kilt Krew, and a medical intern at Kansas PT Partners. Outside of school, Budke enjoys golfing, watching football, and spending time with friends. During the summer, Budke works at the Salina Municipal Golf Course in maintenance. After graduating, Budke plans to play collegiate baseball at a school that has yet to be decided. 

"This is what everyone says, but I want to tell the underclassmen to enjoy your high school years because you obviously don't get them back, and it flies by," Budke said.

Tierstyn Kershner

Kershner is the daughter of Kyle Stach and Tara Kershner. During high school, Kershner has been a part of South High cheerleading, girls' soccer, and HOSA. Kershner enjoys her medical internship at the Wound Care Clinic in Salina Regional Hospital and looks forward to the rest of her rotations. When not at school, she works as a CNA at Presbyterian Manor and enjoys spending time with family and friends. In the future, she wants to attend college and pursue nursing, but she is currently undecided on where she wants to attend college. 

Alex Davidson

Davidson is the son of Todd and Mindi Davidson. While at South High, Davidson has played football and baseball for four years and has been involved in the National Honor Society and Student Council. Outside of school, he was an active participant in Relay for Life for three years and is a member of and serves in children's ministry at The Ark Church. Davidson enjoys fishing, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. After high school, Davidson plans to study architecture at the University of Kansas or Kansas State University. 

Lola McBride

McBride is the daughter of Sean and Lacey McBride. While at South High, McBride has been a cheerleader for all four years, is a member of the National Honor Society, HOSA, and, in past years, a member of Link Crew. Outside of school, she is an active event leader for Relay for Life and a team captain for her grade for all four high school years. McBride also volunteers in kids ministry at The Ark Church. After graduation, McBride plans to major in Chemistry at Kansas State University. 

Quevon Purucker

Purucker is the son of Tayrn Purucker. While at South High, Purucker started on the varsity team for three years on the basketball team, lettered in track and field freshman and sophomore year, participated in the varsity choir for three years, is a part of the Belongings Committee, and is a member of the Kilt Krew. Outside of school, he enjoys spending time with God, family, and friends. In the future, Purucker intends to continue playing basketball at an undecided college. 

Emily Streeter

Streeter is the daughter of Kelly and Michele Streeter. She has been active within the school community through Drama Club, New Dawn, Band, NHS, STUCO, and Link Crew. Streeter is Drama Club president, twirling section leader, feature twirler for the Salina South High marching band, and a state thespian officer for Kansas Thespians. Outside of school, she twirls and coaches at Shannon's Stars. Streeter participates on the national, senior, select, and world teams for twirling and volunteers at Theatre Salina. In her limited free time, she enjoys thrifting and going to Sonic with friends because, let's be real, where else would they go? After high school, she plans to go to an undecided college to become a school counselor. 

"Just get involved and put yourself out there," Streeter said. "Don't be afraid to walk in somewhere by yourself. You might end up having more fun than you thought you would have had."

Maddox Xaysongkham

Xaysongkham is the son of Sonny Xaysongkham. While at South High, Xaysongkham has golfed for four years, participated in football, and played basketball. Xaysongkham enjoys spending his free time golfing, being with friends, and going to the gym. After graduation, he hopes to continue his golfing career in college. His college is undecided as of now.