Aug 09, 2024

Red Fern Booksellers to hold 'Local Authors' Fair,' open call for submissions

Posted Aug 09, 2024 1:33 PM


Red Fern Booksellers has announced plans to host its first local authors' fair, offering a space for local writers to present their work, engage with the community, and sign copies of their books. The event will feature eight authors and is scheduled to take place later this year at the bookstore, located at 106 South Santa Fe Avenue, in Salina.

An open call for authors is now underway, running from Friday, August 9 to Friday, August 23. The fair is being organized by Jerzee Mullins as part of her internship at Kansas Wesleyan University.

Authors engage with readers and community members at Red Fern Booksellers author events. <b>Photo Courtesy Red Fern Booksellers.</b>
Authors engage with readers and community members at Red Fern Booksellers author events. Photo Courtesy Red Fern Booksellers.

Authors interested in participating are encouraged to submit their applications via a Google form link here. 

Selected authors will be notified and asked to provide additional materials, including a bio and headshot, as preparations for the fair move forward. 

For more information about the event or the application process, interested parties can contact the bookstore at 785-833-2088 or via email at [email protected]. For more Red Fern Booksellers events check out their social media pages here.