Following is recent booking activity for the Saline County Jail, as provided by law enforcement. Photos, if provided, are courtesy of Saline County Jail. All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

NAME: Crane, Heather Jacqueline
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body, Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs; Misdemeanor, Improper driving on laned roadway, Poss of marijuana and Transporting an open container

NAME: Finch, Matthew Lee
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Theft of prop/services:Value less than $1,500

NAME: Green, Donovan Hunter
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Domestic battery: Knowing/reckless bodily harm

NAME: Johnson, Kathy Lavette
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear and Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose misd warrant

NAME: Marshall, Tadd Lee
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit

NAME: Mitchell, Theadore Ray
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to Appear

NAME: Thomason, Jessica Louise
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation

NAME: Thompson, Curtis Howard
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant