Aug 29, 2024

UPDATED: Do Not Drink Advisory rescinded for Sundowner West, Drinking Water Advisory continues

Posted Aug 29, 2024 1:58 PM

 The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has rescinded the Do Not Drink Advisory for the Sundowner West Mobile Home Park public water supply system located in Saline County. The Advisory took effect on August 27 due to a loss of pressure which placed the system at risk for bacteriological contamination.

Laboratory testing samples collected from Sundowner West Mobile Home Park indicate no evidence of bacteriological contamination and the conditions that placed the system at risk of bacteriological contamination are deemed by KDHE to be resolved.

A drinking water advisory was issued on April 11 for the area due to the occurrence of manganese concentrations above the EPA Health Advisory Level (300 ug/L) for infants under six months in parts of the distribution system.

Manganese is not currently regulated, as a precautionary measure to protect the health of infants below 6 months of age, the Kansas Department of Heath and Environment (KDHE) is advising customers of Sundowner West Mobile Home Park not to give tap water to infants. Formula and other food preparations for infants should not be prepared with tap water. Use bottled water or alternative sources of water for infants.

Manganese is a naturally occurring element found in soil, water, and air. It is commonly found in the food we eat, including nuts, legumes, seeds, grains, and green leafy vegetables and in drinking water. Our bodies require small amounts of manganese to stay healthy. Adults and children get enough manganese from the foods we eat. Infants and children get enough manganese from breast milk, food, or formula.

Too much manganese can increase the risk of health problems, particularly for infants under 6 months old. Infants are more at risk than older children and adults because their brains and bodies are quickly developing. Formula-fed infants get enough manganese from formula to meet their dietary needs. However, they may get too much manganese (above the recommended amount for nutrition) in their bodies when formula is mixed with water that contains manganese. Infants exposed to manganese over 300 ug/L may experience learning or behavioral problems.

This health advisory is being provided because EPA identified health risks from short-term exposure.

For more information about manganese in your water please visit the KDHE website:

If you are concerned about manganese levels in your water, EPA recommends you do the following:


Formula and other food preparations for infants under 6 months old should not be prepared with tap water. Use bottled water or alternative sources of water for infants. Making formula or foods with water containing manganese levels above the health advisory can increase an infant’s risk of health problems..


Boiling, freezing, or letting water stand does not reduce manganese. Boiling can increase levels of manganese because manganese remains behind when the water evaporates.

Adults and children older than 6 months can continue to use tap water bathe, shower, brush their teeth, wash clothes, and dishes.. Tap water may also be used for food preparation such as washing fruits and vegetables, do not use to prepare foods that require boiling (spaghetti, rice, etc.)

If you have specific health concerns, you may wish to consult your doctor.

Sundowner West Mobile Home Park has been working to address the problem. Additional sampling will be conducted to determine if this advisory can be rescinded. KDHE will continue to work with Sundowner Mobile Home Park to implement remedies that will resolve this situation.

Public water suppliers in Kansas take all measures necessary to notify customers quickly after a system failure or shutdown. Regardless of whether it’s the supplier or KDHE that announces a do not drink order, KDHE will issue the rescind order following testing at a certified laboratory.

For consumer questions, please contact the water system at: 785-479-6864 or you may call KDHE at 785-296-5514. For consumer information please visit KDHE’s PWS Consumer Information webpage:

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The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has issued another Do Not Drink Advisory for the Sundowner West Mobile Home Park public water supply system located in Saline County.

This advisory marks the first do not drink advisory since April 12

Customers should observe the following: 


Infants up to six months who drink water containing manganese exceeding the EPA Health Advisory Level for infants (300 ug/L) could experience adverse health effects.

Water, juice, and formula intended for infants should not be prepared with tap water.  Use bottled water or other water low in nitrates for this purpose.


 Manganese levels cannot be reduced by boiling.  Excessive boiling can concentrate the manganese as water evaporates because the manganese remains in the water.

Do not use water to cook or prepare food.

Dispose of ice cubes and do not use ice from a household automatic icemaker.

Tap water can be used for bathing. Supervision of children is necessary while bathing so that water is not ingested.

Tap water may be used to flush toilets.

The advisory took effect on August 27 and will remain in effect until the conditions that placed the system at risk of contamination are resolved. This advisory was issued because of a loss of pressure in the distribution system due to a water line break. Failure to maintain adequate pressure may result in a loss of chlorine residuals and bacterial contamination. Because of the presence of manganese in some areas of the distribution system KDHE is advising customers of Sundowner West Mobile Home Park to not boil their water, which is the normal approach taken when a loss of pressure occurs.

For more information about manganese please visit the KDHE webpage:

Regardless of whether the public water supplier or Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) announced a Do Not Drink Advisory, only KDHE can issue the rescind order following testing at a certified laboratory.

For consumer questions, please contact the water system at 785-479-6864, or KDHE at 785-296-5514. For consumer information please visit KDHE’s PWS Consumer Information webpage:

Restaurants and other food establishments that have questions about the impact of the Do Not Drink Order on their business can contact the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s food safety & lodging program at  [email protected] or call 785-564-6767.