Salina Post
Reusing the current jail as a law enforcement center and concern about letting the building deteriorate were among the more prominent responses to Saline County's recent jail reuse survey.
This fall, the Saline County Sheriff's Office is scheduled to move its jail operating to the new facility currently being built on E. Pacific Avenue in northeastern Salina. Through an online survey, Saline County gathered citizen opinions about the reuse of the current facility just west of Salina's downtown district.
"The results are being incorporated into the Facility Master Plan prepared by an architectural team under contract with the county," County Administrator Phillip Smith-Hanes said in a news release issued Thursday with the survey results. "The Master Plan will be presented to Commissioners on Feb. 21, which will begin the decision-making process for the future of several County facilities including the jail."
According to the survey results, the majority of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that the current jail facility should be reused as "a law enforcement center, including expansion of Salina Police Department, space for probation services, and potential detention facilities for juveniles or probation sanctions."
Slightly fewer respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the concept of using the current jail "as a different type of criminal justice facility, such as a Family Justice Center providing wraparound services for at-risk youth."
More people either disagreed or strongly disagreed with the following two concepts, according to the survey results.
●Conversion to a facility providing space for retail, such as a grocery store
●Demolition of the existing building and construction of an entirely new facility
Additionally, more than 45 percent of the respondents indicated that their biggest concern about reuse of the building was "not letting the building deteriorate and become a drain on the community."
To see all of the survey stats (a nine-page pdf), click here.
Citizens' ideas for reuse
Those filling out the survey also were asked to share their ideas for reuse of the current jail facility. A number of responses focused on housing, rehabilitation services, the homeless, and Salina's youth.
The ideas included the following. Persons who made the suggestions were in no way identified.
I think Salina would benefit very much by considering the building as a rehab center for civilians or people with multiple drug charges so they can actually try and kick drugs which in return will make our community more safe. Salina needs to address our huge drug problem, when that happens, crime will go down.
Remodel this facility instead of adding onto the 3rd floor at the city/county building for Courts. I feel this would allow for more expansion in the future as the 3rd floor is so limited. You would have the ability to load & unload inmates inside the facility. Everyone would be on one floor, with one entrance and exit with security staffing. No more security risk of putting inmates on an elevator like they have too now. Less of a risk with inmates being amongst civilians and causing an incident where someone could potentially get seriously hurt. Then 3rd floor could be used for additional County Office space. Some offices are so crowded now you feel like you are setting each others lap.
It would really be nice to have the homeless off the streets. The jail has 2 units for men and women.
This needs to be used for youth instead of sending them to junction city.
Remodeling for use as a low cost rent facility for workers that will be hired by various and sundry businesses that are expanding and in need of housing.
I am not in favor of a homeless facility in downtown Salina, however it may be a good location for a processing center to repatriate the members of our homeless community that do not wish to utilize the opportunities available for change to their points/ communities of origin.
Renovate into a child daycare.
Expand the police department.
Rehabilitation Services for drug users and/or ex-convicts; mental health service center; employment center for people in economic needs.
Lease for commercial business use, or convert to a green space for community gatherings. An outdoor addition for memorial hall. Band shelter for downtown events.
Make it a youth center. provide afterschool help for kids in need.. make it a safe space..
It could be used as a type of boys and girls club/community outreach. It would be a good idea to to get ahead of the drug problem and incarceration mindset with the youth. Give them the education, activities, job skills, money management, and a safe place to be before they find other things to do with their time. Kids don't have a lot of money. Many of the residents don't either. Let's not exclude the general public and long time residents. Turning it into another money grab for the few that are already have, probably isn't the best solution.
Permanent housing for the homeless. The cells could be turned into individual rooms. They could pay low rent.
Senior citizens apartments/ Restaurants/Miny mall.
Juvenile detention center. Half way house. Place to provide housing for people in need.
It would be nice to have another green space/dog park/regular park closer to this area of town.
Community engagement center. Maybe a few services or programs that better the community that can also utilize the space when citizens are not.
A community center for boxing program with volunteers from police/community help. Also a after school program for kids who's parents can't afford programs and babysitters for their kids. We need something for kids to empower them so we can make our community better and keeps kids away from drugs and bad influence. So many kids give up in life due to resources and not enough support at home so kids turn to the streets. We need to make Salina strong and united, a better place for all a place that many communities will adopt our idea of changing the future of the kids.
Moving the Senior Citizen Center to the facility. The current senior citizen center is difficult for seniors to navigate. For the safety of the senior citizens who use the Senior Citizen Center, I am concerned about using the facilities for a homeless shelter.
To read all of the ideas (a 14-page pdf), click here.
Additionally, the county asked respondents to share additional feedback. Read those responses (a 10-page pdf) by clicking here.