Following is recent booking activity for the Saline County Jail, as provided by law enforcement. Photos, if provided, are courtesy of Saline County Jail. All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

NAME: Hine, Matthew Michael
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation and Crim poss weapon by a convicted felon

NAME: Dennis, April Joy
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear

NAME: Kruse, Mitchell Allen
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear

NAME: Lawrence, Nathan Lovejoy
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Contempt of Court; Direct

NAME: Leidig, Rylan Benjamin
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation

NAME: Murrell, Devin Isaac
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit

NAME: Reinbold, Dailen Joe
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Distribute marijuana; 25 - < 450 grams, Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body, Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant and Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or cont substance

NAME: Sowles, Tiffany Ann
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation and Outside warrant/NCIC hit

NAME: Stanley Townsend, Elizabeth Grace
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation and Failure to appear

NAME: Thompson, Damen James
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Display of license plate, Unsafe turning or stopping - Fail to Signal, Operate a MV w/o a valid license and Failure to appear

NAME: Valdes Verdejo, Kevin Joniel
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Crim damage to prop;w/o consent $1K-$25K