Nov 10, 2023

Salina City Commission approves 250 unit apartment developement

Posted Nov 10, 2023 2:18 PM
The Saline County and Salina City building at 300 West Ash Street in Salina. Photo by Olivia Bergmeier
The Saline County and Salina City building at 300 West Ash Street in Salina. Photo by Olivia Bergmeier

Salina Post

After weeks of negotiations behind closed doors during executive session, the Salina City Commission has approved the first phase of an apartment development which would add 250 units to the current local housing market.

"This is a significant action that we just took to move the community forward," Mayor Mike Hoppock said.

At its Monday meeting, the Phase One Development Agreement between the City of Salina and Salina Destination Development was approved. Back in April, city commissioners selected Salina Destination Development to be the recipient of $25 million from the Kansas Department of Commerce. 

"This has been a long process and I am glad we are at the end," said Vice-Mayor Bill Longbine.

Salina City Manager Mike Schrage broke down how the $13 million on Phase One would be spent. 

"There's $1 million allocated for land acquisition, $4 million for infrastructure construction, and $32,000 per unit for the apartments themselves. All the remaining expenses above and beyond that are at the developer's expense," Schrage said.

Schrage also said future phases of the project will add 250 apartment units bringing the total to 500. Hoppock addressed long held community concerns for more housing, saying that multiple organizations had a part in making this project a reality.

"We've been talking for I don't know how long about needing additional housing for Salina, Hoppock said. "It would be important to know that not only was the City of Salina, Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, Salina Economic Development Organization, and other partners who went to the state to ask for its support."

Commissioners approved the agreement unanimously. Schrage said an amendment was added to the agreement which aligns the development agreement with The state of Kansas. 

Hoppock also thanked the state of Kansas for its support. 

"These are apartments that we need and with the help of the state, we can hopefully get the rents to match up with the jobs we have coming. It is an exciting time," Hoppock said. 

Other commission business items

● Approval on second reading, a request by the Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank to rezone a portion it its property

●Approval on first reading two items relating to the execution of loads from the state of Kansas for water lines and improvements to the Salina wastewater treatment plant

● Authorization to direct city staff to prepare and publish notice of the proposed transfer of park property to Theatre Salina. 

● Approval of energy-saving improvements to city-owned facilities and authorizing the issuing of bonds to pay the costs of these improvements.