Following is the Saline County COVID-19 update for Friday.
We were notified of a positive case from another county that had attended a horse sale at Farmers & Ranchers located at 1500 Old 40 in Salina while symptomatic. This event was held on October 10th and 11th. If you were in attendance, you need to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.
Since our last update, we were also notified of an additional death related to COVID-19. There are 19 new positive COVID-19 cases in Saline County to report since the last update on Wednesday, October 14. The total for the county is now 948, with 98 cases that are actively being monitored by the Health Department, 837 that have recovered, and a total of 13 deaths. Salina Regional Health Center reporting that they have 9 hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Salina Regional is a regional hospital, the COVID-19 patient total is not specific to the number of Saline County residents who may be hospitalized.
According to the Kansas Department of Health & Environment, there are now 70,855 cases and 859 deaths statewide. This information can be found at https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/.
●The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation has created the Kansas Eviction Prevention Program.
This program is designed to decrease evictions and increase housing stability by assisting landlords and tenants experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID pandemic. See more information at https://kshousingcorp.org/eviction-preventionprogram/#:~:text=The%20Kansas%20Eviction%20Prevention%20Program,result%20of%20the%20COVID%20pandemic.&text=Approved%20tenants%20are%20eligible%20for,to%20exceed%20%245%2C000%20per%20household.
Here is what you can do to help us to stop the spread:
●Stay home if you have any symptoms or are ill
●Wear masks in public spaces as required by City Ordinance and County Resolution
●Maximize physical distance (6 feet or more) in public settings
●Avoid socializing with large groups
●High-risk individuals should only leave the house for essential needs
●Wash your hands frequently
Only follow official sources to obtain information: www.saline.org/coronavirus or www.kdheks.gov.