Nov 16, 2023

Salina Central High School Theatre presents, 'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee' musical

Posted Nov 16, 2023 11:39 PM
Central High School Presents The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Central High School Presents The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee


On November 17-19 Salina Central High School Repertory Theatre class students will present the musical “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” by William Finn and Rachel Sheinkin.

<b>Photo by Matea Gregg</b>
Photo by Matea Gregg

Tickets are on sale online and will also be available at performances. Ticket prices for the production are $10 for adults, $5 for students with ZERO credit service charges added to this price if using a credit card online to pre-purchase tickets.

Central High School theatre teacher Barbara Hilt said Central's production of "The 25th annual Putnam County Spelling Bee' will be submitted to the Kansas Thespian Festival as Central High School’s one-act entry (in a shortened version).

“This production has been a very fun journey to work on with students during our repertory theatre class. Students expressed an interest in doing more work with musicals last year, and this was a way to get another musical opportunity and involve some student musicians as our pit band in this production as well," Hilt said.

Central High School thespians have placed first in the one act competition for three consecutive years.

"I love the collaboration that we have at Central High School to make opportunities for our students and to have special projects like this one. During the production, we even invite a few audience members to join in the fun and become members of the spelling bee so this will be a fun evening for everyone who attends!”

The musical is centered around an eclectic group of sixth-graders who arrive at the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, each eager to win for very different reasons.

Sweet and shy Olive brings only her best friend (the dictionary) with her to the bee; bold and hyperallergic speller William Barfee uses his “magic foot” to propel him to greatness; former champion Chip is struggling with his puberty; easily distracted Leaf is unconvinced that he’s smart enough to be a challenger; overachiever Marcy is disappointed by her consistent success; and politically aware Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre only wants to impress her dads.

In hilarious, touching, and catchy songs, each speller reveals his/her hopes, struggles, and passions as they make their way through the competition.

With an engaging, tuneful score by William Finn and a sweet, funny book by Rachel Sheinkin, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee causes audiences to fall in love, both with the show itself and its “perspicacious,” “jocular,” and “effervescent” spellers.

“The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee displays the challenges and pressures put upon students even at a young age. The characters face many difficulties throughout the production presented in a humorous and sometimes heartfelt way, but they persevere throughout the spelling bee to have their own personal victories. Audiences will enjoy the comedic moments and the crushing defeats in this production," said cast member Michelle Simmons, who plays Rona Lisa Perretti. 

The running time for the performance is approximately 90 minutes and will run without an intermission. Concessions will be for sale at the beginning of the production.

The production is directed by Barbara Hilt, Central High School Theatre teacher and program director who is assisted by Bill Weaver, Central High School Technical Director, Music Director Tyler Brenneman, and Pit Conductor Guillermo Rodriguez.

The production is rated PG-13 and may not be suitable for all audiences as it takes on some mature subject matter.

Production rights are made available through special arrangements with Music Theatre International, Inc.


Alyssa is a junior and the daughter of Terri and Scott Maas. Alyssa is the Secretary for troupe 639. You may have seen her before in The Children's Hour, Anastasia, A Game, Squad Goals, Death Knocks, The Nerd or the award-winning one act Trifles. She was also the stage manager for Noises Off. She placed 3rd in the English Speaking Union's Shakespeare monologue competition in Kansas City. She hopes that you enjoy the show!
Alyssa is a junior and the daughter of Terri and Scott Maas. Alyssa is the Secretary for troupe 639. You may have seen her before in The Children's Hour, Anastasia, A Game, Squad Goals, Death Knocks, The Nerd or the award-winning one act Trifles. She was also the stage manager for Noises Off. She placed 3rd in the English Speaking Union's Shakespeare monologue competition in Kansas City. She hopes that you enjoy the show!


Jaxson is a senior and the son of Cheryl and David Rutz. He is in the choral group Free Spirit. This is his second mainstage show at Central and he hopes that you enjoy the show.
Jaxson is a senior and the son of Cheryl and David Rutz. He is in the choral group Free Spirit. This is his second mainstage show at Central and he hopes that you enjoy the show.


Mackenzie is the grand-daughter of Rex and Ronda Lovin. Mackenzie is the Publicist for troupe 639. She has appeared in The Nerd, Anastasia and Mamma Mia! She hopes that everyone enjoys this wacky, crazy farce of a show! She would like to thank the crew for all of their work and everyone who has made this show possible.
Mackenzie is the grand-daughter of Rex and Ronda Lovin. Mackenzie is the Publicist for troupe 639. She has appeared in The Nerd, Anastasia and Mamma Mia! She hopes that everyone enjoys this wacky, crazy farce of a show! She would like to thank the crew for all of their work and everyone who has made this show possible.


Mac is a sophomore at Central High School and has been seen in Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind, and The Explorers Club. Mac also takes classes at Theatre Salina.
Mac is a sophomore at Central High School and has been seen in Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind, and The Explorers Club. Mac also takes classes at Theatre Salina.


Donovan Johnson (Mitch Mahoney)
Donovan Johnson (Mitch Mahoney)


Brynn is a junior and the daughter of Kathryn and Travis Shaft. This is Brynn's third mainstage show at Central. She was the stage manager for The Children's Hour and appeared as Lisa in Mamma Mia! Brynn is a member of Iron Street Dance Company.
Brynn is a junior and the daughter of Kathryn and Travis Shaft. This is Brynn's third mainstage show at Central. She was the stage manager for The Children's Hour and appeared as Lisa in Mamma Mia! Brynn is a member of Iron Street Dance Company.




Zander most recently portrayed the role of Willum in The Nerd and Sky in Mamma Mia! at Central High School. He is the son of Chris and Angel Flener. Zander is the Treasurer for troupe 639. Zander is a member of Free Spirit and has been in choir for seven years. This is Zander's second year in theatre at Central High School and he is so excited for everyone to see the hard work that the cast and crew has put into this performance.
Zander most recently portrayed the role of Willum in The Nerd and Sky in Mamma Mia! at Central High School. He is the son of Chris and Angel Flener. Zander is the Treasurer for troupe 639. Zander is a member of Free Spirit and has been in choir for seven years. This is Zander's second year in theatre at Central High School and he is so excited for everyone to see the hard work that the cast and crew has put into this performance.



DAN DAD……………………………………………...MAC SHEFORGEN*

CARL DAD……………………………………....DONOVAN JOHNSON*

JESUS…………………………………………………..….ZANDER FLENER*



* denotes member of Thespian Troupe 639





REEDS……………………………..……....BROCK DOLTON



FLUTE………………………….……….…JANAE MONTOYA


Director……………………………………….…………………….……………….Barbara Hilt

Music Director…………………………………………………………...Tyler Brenneman

Choreographers……………………………..…..Brynn Shaft* & Andrew Graber*

Technical Director………………………………………………………….…..Bill Weaver

Stage Manager………………………………..………………………Kasheia Peterson*

Assistant Stage Manager…………………………………………..…Joseph Zepeda*

Lighting Design………..…………………………………………………………Barbara Hilt

Light Board Operator…………………………………..…….…………...Wyatt Angell*

Sound Board Operator……………………………………Anna Kraft*, Lillian Crow

Spot Operators………………………………..……..Avery Jeakins, Keaton Myers*

Running Crew.......................................Bishop Talbott*, Joseph Zepeda*

Costume Design………………………………………………….Addilyn Jagodzinske*

Costume Crew…………………………………...Barbara Hilt, Michelle Simmons*

Properties……………..……………….Mackenzie Martinez*, Andrew Graber*,

Poster Design…………………….…………………….……..……..……….…Barbara Hilt

T-shirt Design…………………………….……………….…………...…...Mandi Graber

Program Design……………….………………………….………….…………Barbara Hilt

Publicity……………………………………………………...……..Mackenzie Martinez*

Shop Foremen.……………………………………………………...…Montana Morgan

Ticket Design……………………….………………………….…………..…….Barbara Hilt

House Manager……………….…………………………………….…Katherine White*

Photography…………………………..………………………….…………….Matea Gregg

Scenic Design………….………………………………………...……………..…Bill Weaver

* indicates Thespian

Bold names indicate Crew Chief