Following is recent booking activity for the Saline County Jail, as provided by law enforcement. Photos, if provided, are courtesy of Saline County Jail. All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
NAME: Buelow,Joshua Ryne
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Domestic battery: Knowing/reckless bodily harm
NAME: Eklund,David Alexander
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit
NAME: Elder,Austin William
REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit
NAME: Hulsey,Lonnie Thomas James
REQUESTED CHARGE(S):Probation Violation
NAME: Merrifield,Sabrina Anne
REQUESTED CHARGE(S):Domestic battery: Knowing/reckless bodily harm
NAME: Nelson,Toby Glen
Failure to appear
Return for court testimony
NAME: Staats,Gwen Ellen
Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs; Misdemeanor
Failure to stop at accident; Injury or damage over $1000
Transporting an open container