Florine Jane Ayre, a beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, passed away peacefully on January 25, 2025, at the age of 97. Born on September 4, 1927, in the small town of Hope, Kansas, she graced this world with her presence for nearly a century, leaving behind a legacy of love, laughter, and strength.
Florine was the daughter of Casper and Amalia Friedli, who instilled in her the values of hard work and common sense as well as compassion. Her upbringing on the farm during the depression shaped her into the strong woman she became. Florine was also known for her dry sarcastic humor and unwavering faith in God. On October 19, 1958, after meeting a handsome man at a hootenanny and a subsequent courtship, she married the love of her life, Delmer Ayre, in Ramona, Kansas. Together, they shared a loving life, until his passing in 2015.
As a homemaker, Florine dedicated her time to nurturing her family and found her joy in volunteering at her children’s school, making a lasting impact on those around her. Her children, Diane Ayre and Terry Ayre (Sarah) were her pride and joy, and she cherished every moment spent with them. Florine's legacy lives on through her granddaughter, Kristy Galenzoski (Ben), and her great-grandchildren, Owen and Hannah Galenzoski, who brought her great joy.
Florine had a passion for life that was evident in her many hobbies and interests. She enjoyed sewing and crafts, creating beautiful items that her family will treasure forever. Her love for dancing was unmatched; she could outdance any man in the room at the Jolly Mixers and any polka festival within 500 miles. She embraced every opportunity to celebrate life through dance, bringing joy not only to herself but to everyone fortunate enough to share the dance floor with her.
Florine was surrounded by loved ones as her physical journey came to an end. Her spirit will forever remain alive in the hearts of those who knew her. Visitation will be held Friday January 31, 2025, 4 pm to 7 pm, at Ryan Mortuary. A funeral service will be held in her honor at St. John's Lutheran Church on February 1, 2025, at 11:00 am. Friends and family are invited to come together to celebrate her remarkable life and the mark she left on our lives. The family requests guests to wear something with purple, Florine’s favorite color.
In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests donations be made to the Tammy Walker Cancer Center, a cause that was dear to Florine's heart.
Florine's life was a testament to love, strength, and joy, and she will be profoundly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her. Rest in peace, dear Florine; your legacy of love will continue to shine brightly.