Mar 11, 2025

Saline County Jail Bookings, March 11

Posted Mar 11, 2025 12:00 PM

Following is recent booking activity for the Saline County Jail, as provided by law enforcement. Photos, if provided, are courtesy of Saline County Jail. All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Balentine, Savannah Rae
Balentine, Savannah Rae

NAME:  Balentine, Savannah Rae

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation

Berland, Trey Jerome
Berland, Trey Jerome

NAME:  Berland, Trey Jerome

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Agg assault; w/ deadly weapon

Daly, Briana Lynn
Daly, Briana Lynn

NAME:  Daly, Briana Lynn

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Dist. fentanyl dose 10 to < 50 units; 1000ft schoo, Distrib depressant; Dose 100 - < 1000 1000' sch, Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose felony warrant, Poss para w/intent to manuf contr subst, Poss of marijuana and Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or cont substance

Davenport, Paul Jay
Davenport, Paul Jay

NAME:  Davenport, Paul Jay

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation

Ehster, Eric Scott
Ehster, Eric Scott

NAME:  Ehster, Eric Scott

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Aggravated burglary; Dwelling for felony, theft, domestic violence, or sexually motivated crime, Criminal Damage to Property; Value Unknown and Violation of protection order; Unknown circumstance

Glover, Tony Anderson
Glover, Tony Anderson

NAME:  Glover, Tony Anderson

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit

Grajales, Isaiah Paul&nbsp; from an earlier arrest
Grajales, Isaiah Paul  from an earlier arrest

NAME:  Grajales, Isaiah Paul

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation

Harper, John Wayne
Harper, John Wayne

NAME:  Harper, John Wayne

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear

Lopez Moncada, Cristofer Josue
Lopez Moncada, Cristofer Josue

NAME:  Lopez Moncada, Cristofer Josue

REQUESTED CHARGE(S):  Domestic battery: Knowing/reckless bodily harm

Marfise, Emily Rose
Marfise, Emily Rose

NAME:  Marfise, Emily Rose

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation, Use/poss drug paraphernalian/human body, Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose felony warrant, Poss of opiate, narcotic, or certain stimulant and Theft of prop/services:Value less than $1,500

Moran, Andrew Michael
Moran, Andrew Michael

NAME:  Moran, Andrew Michael

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Dist. fentanyl dose 10 to < 50 units; 1000ft schoo, Distrib depressant; Dose 100 - < 1000 1000' sch, Distr heroin/fentanyl w/in 1000' sch; 3.5-<100gm, Poss para w/intent to manuf contr subst, Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or cont substance and Use communication facility; In the commission of a felony drug violation

Myers, Amanda Sue Beatrice
Myers, Amanda Sue Beatrice

NAME:  Myers, Amanda Sue Beatrice

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Probation Violation

Parra-Olea, Miguel
Parra-Olea, Miguel

NAME:  Parra-Olea, Miguel

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Outside warrant/NCIC hit, Probation Violationm ID card; display fictitious and Interf w/LEO; obstr/resist/oppose felony warrant

Peterson, Guage Michaels
Peterson, Guage Michaels

NAME:  Peterson, Guage Michaels

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Crim damage to prop;w/o consent <$1K, DWS; 1st conviction, Unsafe turning or stopping - Fail to Signal, Failure to appear, Interference with LEO; knowingly flee by means other than motor vehicle for felony case, No Proof Of Insurance, Reckless Driving, Speeding; maximum limits, Unlawful acts: vehicle registration violationm Fail to yield at stop or yield sign and Flee or attempt to elude; reckless driving

Pickering, Kaylee Marie
Pickering, Kaylee Marie

NAME:  Pickering, Kaylee Marie

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Distr heroin/fentanyl w/in 1000' sch; 3.5-<100gm and Taxation; Drugs; No drug tax stamp for marijuana or cont substance

Riffel, Nathaniel Karl
Riffel, Nathaniel Karl

NAME:  Riffel, Nathaniel Karl

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Failure to appear

Schacht, Pamela Rae
Schacht, Pamela Rae

NAME:  Schacht, Pamela Rae

REQUESTED CHARGE(S): Burglary; Dwelling to commit felony, theft, domestic violence or sexually motivated crimem Crim damage to prop;w/o consent $1K-$25K and Criminal trespass; Unknown circumstance