Aug 19, 2024

State Rep. Steven Howe selected to serve on two interim committees

Posted Aug 19, 2024 6:51 PM
Steven Howe
Steven Howe

State Representative Steven K. Howe of Salina has been selected by the Speaker of the House Dan Hawkins to serve on two interim committees:

● Special Committee on Budget Process and Development

● Special Committee on Medical Marijuana

“I am honored to be selected to serve on these two interim committees. The Special Committee on Budget Process and Development has been tasked with evaluating the current process for drafting budgets, and possibly making recommendations for how the 2025 Legislature can make improvements to this process," Howe said. "With over $25 billion dollars (all funds) in our state’s budget, it is critical that legislators exercise the power of the purse and become better stewards of taxpayer money.”

This committee will meet this Thursday August 22nd from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in 112-N of the Kansas Capitol.

The Special Committee on Medical Marijuana will meet October 16 and October 28 in 548-S of the Kansas Capitol (time will be determined later).

“Whether it is opioids or “medical” marijuana, is medicating a large portion of society in our best interests? Instead of medicating people and masking symptoms, shouldn’t we take a different approach to health and wellness physically and mentally? These are several of the questions that I hope to ask as a member of this committee," Howe said. 

Constituents of District 71 are encouraged to share their thoughts on this subject by emailing Representative Howe at: [email protected].

Steven K. Howe is the current State Representative for District 71.