City of Salina
Work is progressing on Centennial Road, south of Crawford Street, and Cloud Street, east of Centennial Road. Following the concrete pour, these streets will remain closed to allow the material to cure properly before reopening to traffic. They are expected to reopen once the concrete reaches the required strength, which is anticipated by Wednesday, March 12th.
The concrete repair work spanned the entire width of the roadway at each location. As a result, Centennial Road is closed from Crawford Street to Republic Avenue, and Cloud Street is closed from Centennial Road to Westwood Road.

Drivers are advised to plan alternate routes and use caution near the work zones.
This work is part of the City of Salina’s 2024 Major Concrete Maintenance Project, fully funded with a total budget of $445,000. Motorists’ cooperation and understanding are appreciated to maintain road integrity and safety.
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City of Salina
Starting Wednesday, February 26, Vogts-Parga Construction, LLC of Moundridge, Kansas, will begin concrete repairs on Centennial Road, south of Crawford Street, and Cloud Street, east of Centennial Road.
The repairs will span the entire width of the roadway at each location. As a result, Centennial Road will be closed from Crawford Street to Republic Avenue, and Cloud Street will be closed from Centennial Road to Westwood Road. Drivers are advised to plan alternate routes and use caution near the work zones.
The project is expected to take 10 to 14 days, weather permitting.
This work is part of the City of Salina’s 2024 Major Concrete Maintenance Project, which has a total budget of $445,000. Motorists’ cooperation and understanding are appreciated to maintain road integrity and safety.