Feb 27, 2023

Number of items on Saline County agenda for Tuesday

Posted Feb 27, 2023 10:03 PM


Saline County Commissioners will have a busy agenda for their meeting Tuesday.

About the meeting

Saline County Commission is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday in room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 W. Ash Street. The meetings also can be viewed on Saline County’s YouTube channel:


To participate in the meetings, citizens will need to use the Zoom link. Use the following link and put in the Meeting ID and passcode:


Meeting ID: 968 3581 9901

Passcode: 144636

For further information, contact the County Commission’s Office at (785) 309-5825.

Agenda items

Commissioners are scheduled to consider approving a one-year agreement with the Department of Senior Services and the Salina Health Education Foundation for professional health services provided to seniors. The agreement would renew for additional years and can be canceled by either party with a 30-day notice. The program would provide services at no cost to the county as all services would be billed to the patron's insurance or would be covered by self-pay, according to information in the request for action from Senior Services.

Additionally, commissioners are scheduled to consider approving the 2023 vision for the county. The document is an update of the vision document for 2022. The document includes five key focus areas: county workforce, communication and outreach, working relationships, physical and economic community health, and service and infrastructure.

Other items on the Saline County Commission agenda for Tuesday include the following.

●Crowdstrike Internet security application subscription purchase request

●A purchase request for computer equipment for the new Saline County Jail

●Consider an amendment to the Salina Community Economic Development Organization, Inc., agreement

●Hear the quarterly human resources update

●Hear the Expo/Weed/Farm update

●Hear the Appraiser Department update for February 2023

●Hear County Administrator Phillip Smith-Hanes' update

Commissioners also are scheduled to have concept discussions concerning correction officer salaries and vehicle purchases. No action is currently proposed on either topic.

Additionally, commissioners are scheduled to meet in an executive session concerning non-elected personnel.

To see the full Saline County Commission agenda for Tuesday, click here and then click on the Feb. 28 link.