Mar 25, 2024

Former Schilling Air Force Base cleanup, proclamations on Salina City Comm. Agenda

Posted Mar 25, 2024 1:34 PM
Salina City Commission
Salina City Commission

Study Session Meeting

Time: 3:00 p.m.

To participate in the study sessions and meetings, citizens will need to use the Zoom link -

The Zoom meeting can also be accessed by phone at 1-346-248-7799.

Enter Meeting ID: 892 7598 4587 when prompted If citizens wish to speak, either during the public forum or when the Mayor requests public comment on an item, citizens must raise their hand so that the meeting host can allow them to Citizens can also send written comments or questions to City Commissioners by visiting the City of Salina's website at and using the *Email City Commission" icon on the home page.

The following have been identified as topics of study and discussion:

Former Schilling Air Force Base Groundwater Contamination Remediation Update  

About the Meeting

Study sessions and city commission meetings will take place in–person in room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street, and via Zoom until further notice. Meetings also can be viewed at the City of Salina YouTube channel,

To participate via Zoom, citizens will need to use the following link:

The meeting also can be accessed by phone at 1-346-248-7799. Enter Meeting ID:892 7598 4587 when prompted.

The regular meeting is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.

Regular Meeting

Call to Order

The mayor requests staff confirmation that the Kansas Open Meeting Act required notice has been properly provided. 

Roll call

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence

Awards and Proclamations

Recognition of the month of April, 2024, as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Paul Forrester, Executive Director of Child Advocacy &Parenting Services, Inc.(CAPS), will read the proclamation.

Recognition of the week of April 7-13, 2024, as National Library Week. Melanie Hedgespeth and AmyAdams, Director and Assistant Director of the Salina Public Library respectively, will read the proclamation.

Recognition of the month of April, 2024, as Financial Literacy Month. Rodney Denholm, Counselor with Consumer Credit Counseling Service, Inc., will read the proclamation.

Public Hearings and Items Scheduled for a Certain Time(4.1)Public hearing on an appeal of the denial of Conditional Use Permit #CU24-1, filed by Ghallab Hamood on behalf of VIP Smoke Shop

Consent Agenda

(5.1) Approve the minutes of the meeting of March 11, 2024.

(5.2) Approve the minutes of the special meeting of March 18, 2024.

(5.3) Approve Resolution No. 24-8195 appointing a member to the Law Enforcement Citizen Review Board

(5.4) Award the bid for Project No. 24020, Cleaning the Downtown Water Treatment Plant South Lime Lagoon to Pumphrey Tricking, LLC for $3.50 per cubic yard and an annual payment of $140,000 for the year 2024 and authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Pumphrey Trucking, LLC upon fulfillment of all prerequisites under the bid documents.'

(5.5) Award the bid for the Former Schilling Air Force Base (FSAFB) Site Project No. FSAFB 24100, Remediation of Plume B Soil Source Area to T&R Construction for $320,146 with a $32,014 (10%) construction contingency for a total project authorization not to exceed $352,160 and authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement with

Schilling Airforce Base Cleanup Plumes
Schilling Airforce Base Cleanup Plumes

(5.6) T&R Construction upon fulfilling all prerequisites under the bid documents. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an assignment agreement assigning the rights and obligations conveyed to S&B Motels, Inc. is a Community Improvement District


Development Agreement dated September 14, 2015 to Premium Hospitality, LLC.

(6.1) Consider awarding contracts to Fox Lawn and Landscaping, LLC for right-of-way (ROW) DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS mowing, detention pond mowing, and Centennial Ditch mowing.

Other Business

Citizens Forum

Executive Session

Request for Executive Session –Attorney/Client Privileged

(10.1a) I move the City Commission recess into executive session for __ minutes to discuss with legal counsel the subject of confidential legal considerations relating to points of negotiation with Salina Destination Development, LLC, regarding the City’s multi-family housing project,based upon the need for consultation with an attorney for the public body which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship pursuant to K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(2).The open meeting will resume in this room at ______ p.m.

(10.1b)Possible action to follow.
