Mar 10, 2025

🎥City Commission to attend Fire Station No. 4 ground breaking, March 10 meeting agenda

Posted Mar 10, 2025 2:10 PM
Saline County and Salina City Building, on Iron Street in Salina, KS. Photo by Olivia Bergmeier
Saline County and Salina City Building, on Iron Street in Salina, KS. Photo by Olivia Bergmeier


The Salina City Commission will hold its regular meeting on Feb. 24, 2025, beginning at 4:00 p.m. in Room 107 of the City-County Building, 300 West Ash Street.

At 3:00 p.m. in Room 107, commissioners will convene in the east parking lot at 300 W. Ash Street and be driven to 2600 E. Crawford Street for a groundbreaking ceremony of the new Fire Station #4. They will return to the City/County Building by 3:45 for the regularly scheduled 4:00 p.m. City Commission meeting.

Citizens may attend in person or join via Zoom using the link ( or by calling 1-346-248-7799 (Meeting ID: 892 7598 4587)​

 The meeting will also be broadcast live on the City of Salina’s YouTube channel and local cable access (SalinaTV). Below is the agenda for the meeting, which includes several key items for consideration by the commissioners.

1. Call to Order

The meeting will begin with the mayor confirming that the required notice of the Kansas Open Meeting Act (KOMA) was properly provided, followed by a roll call. Commissioners will then lead the Pledge of Allegiance and observe a moment of silence.

2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence

4. Consent Agenda

(4.1) The commission will consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on Feb. 24, 2025.

(4.2) The commission will consider awarding the rebid for a 2025 stump grinder (vehicle and equipment purchase) to Vermeer Great Plains, in an amount not to exceed $68,750.

(4.3) The commission will consider awarding Project No. 25003, the 2025 Ultrathin Bonded Asphalt Surface (UBAS) contract, to APAC Kansas Shears Division of Salina, in an amount not to exceed $943,527.48.

5. Administration

(5.1) The commission will review bids for the purchase of land at 1451 East Gypsum Avenue, which was formerly known as Gleniffer Hill Park.

(5.2) The commission will consider the acceptance of the 2024 “People’s Choice” sculpture into the City’s public art collection and authorize its placement at Sunset Park.

6. Development Business

(No development business items are listed on the agenda.)

7. Other Business

(No other business items are scheduled.)

8. Citizens Forum

The agenda includes a Citizens Forum, which is an open period during the meeting when members of the public may speak on matters not listed on the formal agenda.

9. Executive Session

An executive session (closed session) may be held if needed, although no specific topic is indicated on the agenda.

10. Adjournment

The meeting will adjourn after all the above business has been concluded.

For more details and any updates, you can visit the City of Salina website.