Saline County Board of County Commissioners
Monte Shadwick - District 1
Robert Vidricksen II - District 2
Rodger Sparks - District 3
James Weese - District 4
Chairman, Joe Hay Jr. - District 5
B. Flag Salute & Moment of Silence
C. Public Forum
D. Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Tax Roll Adjustments
2. Approval of Accounts Payable
3. Approval of Public Forum Agenda
4. Approval of Payroll
5. Approval of County Commission Minutes of November 26, 2024 3 - 7
6. Approval of 2025 Courthouse Security Agreement 8 - 11
7. Approval of Disaster Relief Abatement for 120 E. Jewell 12 - 24
8. Approval of Disaster Relief Abatement for 1109 Stack 25 - 38
E. Action Items
1. Replacement Glock Handguns with Optics, 2024-166 39 - 40
2. End-of-Year Financial Resolutions, 2024-170 41 - 47
F. Informational Items
1. Community Legislative Platform for 2025, 2024-171 48 - 61
2. Commissioner Comments
3. Announcements
G. Concept Discussion
1. Discussion of Naming Rights at Expo Center 62 - 77
2. Discussion of Ending Resolutions for Appointments to Boards & Committees
H. December 17th Agenda Items
1. ARPA Clean-Up
2. RFD #3 New Fire Station Bid Award
3. RFD #3 Financing for New Fire Station
4. Concept Discussion - Public Official Bonds
I. Adjournment