24/7 Travel Store kicks off its annual Food Bank Fill-Up campaign today.
The program will run all month long in recognition of National Hunger Awareness Month and in support of nine Kansas food banks. In its 6th year, the program has returned with a goal to raise another $60,000 ($6,000 per store) in the fight against hunger.
“We are anticipating another successful year with this program. Last year was the program’s 5th anniversary and we were blown away by the support we received. We raised over $71,000 for the nine Kansas communities we serve. It was our most successful campaign to date. Since the program began in 2018, we’ve raised over a quarter million dollars in support of our local food banks. Our day-to-day business offers services to fuel vehicles— hosting the Food Bank Fill-Up allows us to support organizations— your local food bank, that offers services that fuel the human body. We are driving out hunger— together,” said Jackie Hynes, Director of Marketing.
On September 23, National Hunger Action Day— for one day only, 24/7 Travel Store locations will have food bank representatives onsite during select times accepting food items and monetary donations.
“We encourage community members to plan their giving on this day, if possible. To take the opportunity to come inside and visit with their local food bank representative. Perhaps learn other ways they can be supportive or calm any doubts about the Food Bank Fill-Up funds donated staying local. We hosted this event last year and it was our biggest fundraising day, bringing in $3,674 collectively.” said Hynes.
To learn what time your local food bank representative will be available in- store, follow the 24/7 Travel Store Facebook page.
“We will be posting those details soon.” said Hynes.
To support this cause, stop at any 24/7 Travel Store, September 1 – 30, and make a monetary donation. If you’d like to learn more about this event, check out the 24/7 Travel Store Facebook Page.
To date, this annual event has raised $262,502 to support local food banks (2018-2022).
24/7 Travel Store supports the following Kansas Food Banks:
• Abilene Area Food & Clothing Bank (Abilene)
• Community Care Ministries (Maple Hill)
• Genesis Food Pantry of Sherman County (Goodland)
• Genesis Food Pantry of Thomas County (Colby)
• McPherson County Food Bank (McPherson)
• Russell County Food Pantry (Russell)
• Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank (Salina)
• Trego County Food Pantry (WaKeeney)