About the meeting
Study Sessions and City Commission meetings will take place in–person at the City/County Building in Room 107 and via Zoom until further notice. Meetings can be viewed at the City of Salina YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/cityofSalinaKansas.
To participate via Zoom, citizens will need to use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89275984587.
The meeting can also be accessed by phone at 1-346-248-7799. Enter Meeting ID: 892 7598 4587 when prompted.
If citizens wish to speak, either during the public forum or when the mayor requests public comment on an item, citizens attending via Zoom must raise their hand so that the meeting host can allow them to speak. Those who attend the in-person meeting will have the opportunity to speak at the podium.
Citizens can also send written comments or questions to City Commissioners by visiting the City of Salina’s website at www.salina-ks.gov and using the “Email City Commission” icon on the home page.
To see the meeting packet for the study session, click here.
Study session
Commissioners are scheduled to meet in a study session at 2:30 p.m. Monday for a discussion regarding Salina Animal Services
To see the meeting packet for the study session, click here.
Regular meeting
The commission's regular meeting is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.
Commissioners are being asked to approve the following proclamation :
● Recognition of Sept. 18-23 as Seniors Week, North Central Flint Hills Agency on Aging
● Recognition of Sept. as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Items on the Salina City Commission agenda for Monday include the following.
Consider hiring the National Sealing Company of Davie, Florida for $102,428.00 with a $5,121.40 (5%) construction contingency for a total project authorization not to exceed $107,549.40 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract utilizing the City's single source purchasing policy with National Sealing Company of Davie, Florida upon fulfillment of all prerequisites under the bid documents.
BACKGROUND: In January the City Manager directed staff to research options to improve the appearance of brick medians throughout Salina. After testing several off-the-shelf sealing products, the staff's research led them to the vendor above. The research results were shared with the City Commission during the study session on August 28, 2023.
Approve Resolution No. 23-8150 accepting the conditional grant award for $113,376.71; approving a grant agreement with the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) for the 2023 Kansas Emergency Solutions Grant (ESGFFY2023); authorizing the Mayor to execute the grant agreement; and authorizing the City Manager to direct any administrative actions and execute any documents necessary to implement the terms of the agreement.
BACKGROUND: The Emergency Solutions Grant is a federal block grant authorized by subtitle B of the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act and is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The primary focus of this grant program is homelessness prevention and the facilitation of permanent, stable housing.
City Commission action pertaining to the adoption and related implementation matters for the 2024
City of Salina Budget.
Second reading, Ordinance No. 23-11168 adopting and appropriating the 2024 annual budget.
Consider Resolution 23-8147, adopting the 2024 Comprehensive Fee Schedule for the City of Salina, Kansas.
BACKGROUND: The required budget hearing was conducted and Ordinance 23-11168 was passed on first reading on August 28, 2023, adopting and appropriating the 2024 annual budget. The comprehensive fee schedule (see attached) has been reviewed and has been proposed to be adjusted due to inflation and market pricing (3% 5%). In some cases there may be larger increases or slight decreases to accommodate cost of service or market pricing considerations or to result in a round number for ease of processing. This increase will take effect on January 1, 2024 for all fees. Fees that are set by statute, fines for Municipal Court and most Parks and Recreation fees are not impacted by the proposed updates.
Resolution 23-8146, adopting the staffing table, amending the 2023 position classification and salary schedule, and adopting the 2024 position classification and salary schedule
2023 Amendment to Position Classification and Salary Schedule - 9/25/23
The City Commission adopted a new pay plan that the City implemented 9/1/22 via Resolution 22-
8060. That resolution authorized the City Manager "to make implementation guidelines, interpretations, modifications, reclassifications or other appropriate adjustments to said classifications; salary plan and employee pay levels within budget funding limits". Authorization was also given to adjust individual pay rates "in limited circumstances based upon the analysis and recommendation of Evergreen Solutions"
Following the 9/1/22 pay plan implementation, Human Resources staff performed additional work with the pay plan consultant to complete the project including training on Evergreen's job assessment tool, reviewing position descriptions and noting language updates, reviewing classifications flagged by the consultant for compliance verification with the Fair Labor Standards Act, and reviewing additional market data and qualification comparisons for specific roles.
ITEM: Ordinance No. 23-11169
An ordinance levying Salina Business Improvement District No. 1 service fees for 2024.
Kansas State Law (K.S.A. 12-1781 et seq.) governs the procedure for the creation and financing of Business Improvement Districts (BID) within cities, for the purpose of providing administration and financing of extended services to businesses within such districts to restore or promote economic vitality. Financing of a BID is through service fees applicable to all businesses within a district. In 1983, the City Commission approved the creation of BID No. 1 covering certain downtown areas of Salina (see attached map). Cities may provide BID services directly or by contract with a not-for-profit corporation. From 1983 to 1987, the City directed BID programs and services. Since 1987, that effort has been delegated to Salina Downtown, Inc. (SDI), a not-for-profit advocacy and marketing organization.
ITEM: Ordinance No. 23-11172
Second reading of Ordinance No. 23-11172, unconditionally approving the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Salina Airport Authority for the purpose of financing the cost of certain capital improvements located at the Salina Regional Airport and Airport Industrial Center.
Ordinance No. 23-11172 was passed on first reading on August 28, 2023. Since that time no comments have been received.
While the Authority's proposed general obligation financing is backed by the full faith and credit of the Authority, K.S.A. 27-323(a) specifically provides that "such general obligation temporary notes of the authority shall not constitute a debt or obligation of the city which established and created the authority." The bonds proposed by the Salina Airport Authority do not count toward the City's bonded indebtedness limitations
The Salina Airport Authority has advised that, if approved, the Authority expects to issue two four-year temporary notes to fund the design and construction phases of these projects. The maximum mill levy that would be used for temporary note debt service would be 50 mills
The Airport Authority's 2023 mill levy for their 2024 budget year is estimated to be 6.3042. The Airport
Authority's current mill levy (2023 budget year) is 4.968.
● A discussion on alcohol laws on public property and restrictions on alcoholic liquor and MB use on public property.
The City of Salina is currently subject to restrictions on alcohol on public property at both the state level from the Kansas statutes and self-adopted restrictions for alcohol on public property through its own City Code. A critical component at the Initial stages of discussion of this topic is identifying what forms of alcohol there are and how they are treated at both the state and local level. There are 3 main classes of alcohol per the
statutes and Salina City Code.
An Ordinance Amending Section 38-42 Pertaining To Parking On Private Property Without
Permission and Repealing Existing Section 38-42.
Whenever someone calls in a tow with a tow company in Salina to request a tow for a vehicle, they must provide a litany of information when they request the tow. This required information includes; the make and model of the vehicle, location of the vehicle, who owns the vehicle, and the person who is requesting the tow must also provide their name and address to the tow company. Additionally, the person requesting the tow will be asked if this is a tow for the driver of the car, law enforcement or if it is a request for a private tow. in this case, a private tow would be a vehicle that has been left on someone's property without permission and now that property owner is requesting that the vehicle be removed.
The towing of a vehicle from a private property from someone who is not the driver or a member of law enforcement is authorized by Section 38-42 of the Salina Code. The primary city's role in this process is to have an Ordinance that authorizes private tows. A
"tow ticket" with all this information is generated and a tow vehicle is dispatched to retrieve the vehicle. The towing company performs the role of towing the vehicle and storing it after the tow. The vehicle is then towed to a storage lot under the control of the towing company.
A scanned copy of the tow ticket is then sent to the Salina Police Department and a letter is sent to the registered owner of the vehicle that has been towed. The company that towed the vehicle then has 30 days to submit a form titled "Request for Access to Vehicle Records" to the Department of Revenue in Topeka for all vehicles registered in Kansas.
● Consider Application #P23-3/A
Consider the acceptance of the offered easement dedications from Beck's Superior Hybrids, Inc. to serve the proposed Beck's Addition, a 1 lot subdivision of a 23.92 acre tract of land located on the west side of North Ohio Street south of 1-70.
Discussion of an outline for a development agreement addressing terms and conditions of future street improvements to N. Ohio.
In 2022, Beck's Seeds entered into a contract to purchase a 15-acre tract of land on the west side of North Ohio Street from DK Farm and Ranch, LLC (Jeff Thompson). Beck filed applications to rezone and plat this 15-acre tract to allow construction of a new building to serve as a sales office and warehouse space for their Salina operation. They requested that their proposed platted building lot be zoned 1-2 (Light Industrial). This 15-acre tract on the west side of North Ohio Street is located in the North Ohio Corridor Overlay District which required that Beck's site plan and building plans be reviewed and approved by the City Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. They submitted companion applications requesting approval of a site plan for their proposed facility and a preliminary plat of their proposed 15-acre building lot.
● Ordinance No. 23-11150
Second reading of Ordinance No. 23-11150, requesting a change in zoning district classification from A-1 (Agricultural) to 1-2 (Light Industrial) to allow construction of a sales office and warehouse space. The rezoning request area is a 23.92 acre tract of land located on the west side of North Ohio Street south of 1-70, directly south and west of Foley Equipment Company.
Ordinance No. 23-11150 was passed on first reading on July 10, 2023, subject to satisfactory platting of the property. Since that time the property owner has submitted a final plat of the property which has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.
● Authorize the Mayor to sign the final plat of the Johnson Trucking Addition on behalf of the City, a proposed 5 lot subdivision of a 35 acre tract of land located on the north side of Diamond Drive, directly west of the Petro 2 Travel Plaza.
Gary Johnson Trucking has purchased a 35 acre tract of land directly west of Jackson Flats and Petro 2 on the north side of West Diamond Drive. There are no specific uses or development plans at this time, but the applicant is under contract with the neighbor directly west of the property (Jackson Flats Washout) for one of the lots included in the plat application. No public street extension into the site is being proposed. All of the proposed lots would have frontage and access to Diamond Drive. To prepare this property for future development, Gary Johnson Trucking has filed applications to rezone and plat this property.
● Second reading of Ordinance No. 23-11163, requesting a change in zoning district classification from A-1 (Agricultural) to 1-2 (Light Industrial) to allow future industrial-type development. The rezoning request area is a 35 acre tract of land located on the north side of West Diamond Drive north of I-70, directly west of the Petro 2 Travel Plaza.
BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 23-11163 was passed on first reading on July 10, 2023, subject to satisfactory platting of the property. Since that time the property owner has submitted a final plat of the property which has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. FiscAl. Mo ho direct iscal impact on the Cly as a result of this zoning acion.
● Application #P02-2B
Consider acceptance of the offered easement dedication from the Kathleen Bradley Trust (Jake Bradley) to serve Yost Addition No. 2, a proposed replat of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Yost Addition into three (3) separate building lots. The subject property is a 19.90-acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of the Water Well Road - 1-135 interchange.
In September 2002, the Planning Commission considered a rezoning and annexation request for 133 acres located at the southwest corner of the Water Well Road / 1-135 interchange. The request area consisted of two vacant tracts of land that were then located in Saline County and zoned for agricultural purposes. The Yost Trust owned the northern parcel and the Kansas Department of Transportation (DOT) the southern parcel. They jointly requested annexation into the city limits concurrent with approval of a preliminary plat and rezoning of the property to PC-7, I-2 and I-3. The applicants proposed the creation of five lots on this tract of land. The Yost Trust proposed three (3) lots for highway commercial development and one (1) lot for light industrial development west of Dry Creek.
KDOT's plans were to construct a new maintenance facility on the lot zoned for heavy industrial development. No specific uses or development plans for the lots zoned for highway commercial uses were presented at that time. The southernmost industrial lot west of the Dry Creek drainage ditch is landlocked and a note appears on the plat stating that the lot will be undeveloped.
● Consider a request from Mark Augustine, representing the Mark Augustine Trust, to enter into a Development Agreement between the Mark Augustine Trust and the City to address the level of street improvements required for South 9 Street and the timing of those improvements on the portion of South 9th Street abutting the proposed Augustine Addition at the southwest corner of South gth Street and Water Well Road
The applicant, Mark Augustine, recently completed the purchase of this property at the southwest corner of South 9th Street and Water Well Road from the Miller Trust. He is proposing to subdivide the property into four (4) lots with one (1) lot being set aside for a convenience store/travel plaza, one (1) lot for an RV park and one (1) lot for a mini-storage complex. A fourth lot (Lot 3) is being set aside as a storm water retention pond area. All of these uses are allowed under the requested Planned Service Commercial zoning. He has filed an application requesting approval of a final plat of the Augustine Addition
The question before the City Commission is whether the Commission is supportive of this Subdivision being approved and developed with South 9 Street being improved to the interim street standard. If so, a motion should be made to direct staff to prepare a Development Agreement between Mr.
Augustine and the City addressing the timing and triggers and cost allocating for future improvement of South 9th Street to the applicable public street standard with the executed agreement being recorded with the final plat.